Tagged by v_JayB



rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them





1. The person you would like to spent a whole day with is?



2. You are an EXISTA right? (My subscribers are called like that!!!!)


3. Which Story do you like the most of my fanfics?

"Seducing Mr. Playboy".  :3

4. I mostly chose Kai, because he is the most popular guy I think. Is thats the reason why you read my fanfics or because of my writing style?

Both reasons. ^^

5. I have an awkward writing style right? (Watch you answer)


6. How long do you know me now?

Maybe a month?! I can't remember..... =S 

7. Bias Kai right?

No. Mine is Kris.

8. and your an EXOTIC (Exo fangirl/boy)


9. Would you bow to me if you would met me?

Why not?

10. I am a weird girl. I know! Do you care about that? *judging you*


11. Last question: Be honest, you love me ^^!!! right? (not in a erted way)







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haha love you too I think you know me more than a month.. and really seducing. mr. playboy? why?? OH KRIS IS THERE.. but kris is mostly everywhere I can try to add him even in dont play with mr. arrogant xD haha (well enough of that)

thanks :)