Saints Sin, Sinners Don't; Angel application

AFF Username: Lullabye


AFF Profile Link: Clicky~


Character Details

Name: Bak Jung Ho


Nickname: Junnie


*Age/D.O.B: Born on July 14th; He's 21 years old. He looks around 16/17.


Dress Style:

  1. Link 1
  2. Link 2
  3. Link 3
  4. Link 4 [when he dressed as a girl]


Used Ulzzang/Idol: Kang Hyuk Min and Hong Young Gi for the last one


*Past Life/History: Jung Ho's older sister(Mi-Yul) loved forcing him to play dress up. So eventually Jung Ho developed a liking for dressing as a girl, however for a long time he never told anyone. He figured that out when he was around 13, and at that time standing out is something no child wants. When he was 16 he finally worked up the nerve to tell his parents and sister about his liking for crossdressing. They were fine with it, oddly enough. Jung Ho's sister took him out shopping the next day to pick out some clothes for him. She explained that he shouldn't wear this stuff everyday because he would get too much attention. Jung Ho said okay to that as long as she kept buying him clothes. When Jung Ho was 18, he was walking around downtown in female clothing when a man came up to him. A suspicious man. Jung Ho was extremely naive and didn't think about "stranger danger." The man offered him a job, saying it paid well but never mentioning what the job was.


Jung Ho agreed and took the job because he planned on moving out soon and rent was high then. He was told to meet up the next night at 8PM while crossdressing. Poor naive Jung Ho arrived the next night and didn't expect to be forced into ion. However, Jung Ho didn't exactly mind. In fact he found it fun. Perhaps it was because by being a prostitue he was paid attention to for however long the man wanted him or maybe just because he was slightly erted, but he enjoyed that job just a little too much. One night a man asked for his service and Jung Ho walked on over to his house. The man wasn't satisfied with Jung Ho because when Jung Ho arrived, he realized that the man was a well-known criminal. Jung Ho tried to leave but the man forced him to stay, keeping him tied up in a smelly attic. When Jung Ho tried to escape late at night he was shot by the man, which killed him.


*Character/Personality (now): Simply mentioning the word "" makes Jung Ho cover his ears and start singing in an obnoxiously loud voice to tune it out. His mind is 1000 times more innocent than it had ever been before. If he sees someone crossdressing he'll panic but he doesn't know why. He's still an expert when it comes to aegyo and will do it whenever he finds reason to. He's extremely caring and will help anyone if they need it. Jung Ho is more naive now than before, and he has little common sense.


*Character In Past Life: Jung Ho was.. a bit odd in his past life. He was a fan of doing aegyo then, and truthfully still is even now, but that odd part was how he enjoyed dressing as a girl. Yes, that's right, crossdressing. Why? He just loved it. He felt like himself, and he certainly knew he looked like a girl. He enjoyed it, and ignored all the people who stared and laughed and said he was gay. He was always bubbly and upbeat and he never had a frown on his face. Except maybe a pout, but that was strictly for aegyo reasons. Jung Ho was also a bit erted. He was a bit more knowledgeable than one his age should be on the subject of "when mommy and daddy love each other very much."



  • Penguins
  • The color purple
  • British accents
  • Using aegyo
  • Wearing wigs
  • Hello Kitty
  • Bananas
  • Lollipops



  • Citrus fruits
  • Thunderstorms
  • The color green
  • Large dogs
  • Feeling nauseous
  • Math (it "makes his brain hurt")



  • Learning dances from girl groups
  • Painting



  • Puffing up his cheeks
  • Pouting
  • Crossing his legs
  • Cracking his fingers
  • He'll say "Have fun!" if someone says they are going to the bathroom/going to take a shower
  • If he's extremely upset he may smoke 


Other Trivia:

  • Jung Ho had mostly female friends before he died
  • He shaves his arms and legs


*Weakness & Strengths:

  • Weakness; Being under pressure
  • Weakness; Deep water
  • Strength; Is good at wearing disguises
  • Strength; Fighting with knives


Abilities (Limit to 3 at max.):

  • Technopath
  • Can mimic a person's voice if he has heard it before


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