Rain drops just like my tears

yes i know that title is really out of sync with the post. but well please check this out. And rain rain go away and comeback later

so there are some quotes that i really like and kind of resembles me... Actually today is another gloomy day i feel like darkness wanted to eat me up with their coldness...yes its so cold here. 

lets start then...i hope these quotes can motivate you. xoxo


it is not your fault if you shine but others only want to shrink in the dark

It is their fault not wanting to shine when they are given the immense light in their heart. -subhan zein (wordpress(dot)com)


I got no reason for the things I do
The dealer deals them the deal is screwed

I got no reason for the things I fear
The things that plague me when I see and hear

You beat yourself up ’cause you love it

When the world is coming down on me
I let it go -cowboy mouth, Jenny says(lyrics)



The color of my gloomy world is black
The beginning and end change,
black and white
People are cunning,
sometime become delusional
Really why am I like this, why -Gdragon, Black (lyrics)


A person's heart can't be and off like a switch. Once it's … it won't turn off.-Reply 1997


We met at the wrong time. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. Maybe one day years from now, we’ll meet in a coffee shop in a far away city somewhere and we could give it another shot. So until then, I’ll just have to continue feeling this way everyday. Sad. - Eternal Sunshine of A Spotless Mind



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