ONE-D vs EXO ( L

I was in Art Visual Studio at the school. My friend ,JA who is a directioner told me and NH One direction's member real name.

Zayn Javaa Malik

...Harry Edward Style

Louis William Tomlinson..

and I don't remember the others..cause I'm not a directioner.

And NH said..

"You know all of the member real name?? wahh" 

And I make a poker face who is like.. " Whut? Just 5 guy's name...what the deal? I know EXO member name they 12 actually compared to 5....Tchh"




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AHAHAHHAHAA I'll activate my Directioner mode and just complete the names.

Zayn Malik
Harry Styles
Louis Tomlinson
Niall Horan
Liam Payne

IDK the middle names tho. //shot

Blame my cousin, coz she WAS a directioner,
but I got her into EXO XD
freaking true !!
Actually when I first saw EXO I was freakin
confuse who is who I only know KREASE...xDD