Heck, I won't even hate the one who said this.
Whoever made this is just in' insecure. XD
I'm not gonna be like those angry over reacting fans. 
I just laughed at it.
Let's just pray for this person to Get a job. Pass his grades. Be united with their exs. Get money or anything. XD
This is just pathetic. 
Sehun is a talented, humble, and caring person. He may look cold at times but we all know that he's the cute maknae that we all love right?
Whoever made this is really pathetic. Instead of hating whoever made this. Let's just laugh at how pathetic he is. XD
If we hate this person, it means he won right? This person just want people to hate hiself.
So why let him win? Let's just laugh at his stupidity. And let him be annoyed.
But of course, as a Sehun-bias and a loyal EXO fan, I don't like it. But ;et's just get over this . ^^
I hope this person has a pretty face and can sing, dance, act, rap or even for survive 4 years of training while attending school.
Well, that's just for me. 
세훈이 오빠 화이팅❤️!
 사랑해요! ^^
 (보고싶다 오빠)


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This boy is prefect where he is, he makes Exo complete!
then how did he get to exo when he's not talented right?
Psh. people nowadays..
what about his ideal type?
this is stupid -__-
Its quite true but its really mean to say that... Its not like he/she is any better... Definitely not better... Sehun is still young so he has a lot to go for learning... In time, he'll get better and better... I have faith in him which I'm sure most ppl too.
uggh, i really don't like it when fans say idols weren't talented... i mean, the company get them for a reason, right? do they think that companies only get them for just a pretty face and not for a reason? why not trying to replace on their position and have a rigorous training before speaking out that they don't have a talent? uggh, i wanna put thousands of baozis on their face and dip them into a bowl of mayo hahaha! sorry for my over-reacting but you're right, we should laugh at them being so oblivious as to what they are saying hahahahah :D
Let the person who wrote this be in EXO and let's see how BIG OF HELP he/she will be. LOL, if EXO recquires talent in blabbing nonsense then this person should totally be of help. I hope he/she will live a good life. Happy birthday, happy new year, happy valentines day, merry christmas to whoever you are. ENJOY THE MAYO, GULL
People this days =.=;
i bet this person hasnt had to go through hardcore training
and doesnt have to sing and dance and rap at the same time
and has to be sleep deprived.

some people need to think before they voice their opinions
omg really? did that person even see sehun laugh/smile before?
without anyone of them, exo won't be the exo we love today < 3
dumb people is dumb!
it was true that some questioned his necessity in the band, but come to think of it, would it be EXO if sehun is missing? or any other member for that matter? if SM did not intend to include him because "he has no talent besides dancing" and that "he's just a pretty face", then they could have eliminated him a long time ago..

some people have to talk.. -_-

what about those equally and practically "role-less" members in other groups that they like? sadly, there are those members.. would they be happy if they were eliminated?

they judge sehun's presence in EXO because he can't ing bow or he has that poker face? sehun doesn't like to smile because he said so himself that he doesn't like how he looks like when he does (although i find it really cute when he does..)

and damn it, define "no talent".. if he truly has no talent, then why did SM, a big entertainment agency, invest on him? k-pop is business and koreans are sticklers to details when it comes to that. they won't squander money if they think the same way...
LOL this is just LOL
I don't get people.. why are they such a hater when they don't even personally know the person they are talking about?

HAHAHA omgosh the hater looks like he/ she doesn't have anything to do! XD