Tagged again u_u

The Rules:
1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
-Tagged by rainbow_bananas
1. Where are you from?
2. How old are you?
13 this year.
3. Bias (es) ?
Kyungsoo and Myungsoo
4. Give 3 reasons why you love your bias(es). 
They are cute, handsome,adorable.
5. Favorite girl group?
I'm not into girl group but I like 2NE1, Girl's Day, 4Minute, etc. 
6. Favorite boy group?
INFINTE, EXO, BTS, I'm into them now. But I like all boy group! ^^
7. How long have you been into Kpop?
4 years? Nahh, not remember. 
8. Have you gone to any Kpop concert before?
NO ! T^T
9. If you could only save one person, would you save your best friend or your bias?
Can I.. choose.. both? /run away
10. Favorite song?
Dun ask me! I like all song! Miehehehhe xD 
11. Do you have an Instagram? If you do follow me and I'll follow back. Username : @colleeeeeenn
Done! Follow back, iamminki
I'm too tired to think bout the questions so I will not follow the rules! :P Lol. 



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