Tagged - taechnicality

1. Post the rules.

How about no HAHAHAH since i've been tagged before I won't be tagging another 10 people LOL

Tagged by taechnicality bb (;


1. How many years in kpop? 

Hmmmmm... a good 6 years or so? 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 (I feel so old rn)

2. Your favorite otp?

Taeckhun ftw

3. Witnessing otp moment in real life or seeing bias in real life? 

Nope, had a chance but let it slipped through my fat fingers ):

4. Favorite boy band and girl band? 

Hmmm boyband's definitely 2PM and as for girlband... 2NE1 i guess?

5. If someone gave you a million dollars, what would you do with it? 

I'll give it to my parents, cos I honestly wouldn't know what to do with sucha huge amount

6. If you could say 5 words to your bias, what would you say?

5 words? 'Hi you better remember me'

7. Recommend me a movie or drama? 

Movie (if you hadn't seen it): Cold Eyes, Letters to Juliet, V for Vendetta, Sleepless in Seattle & the upcoming Marriage Blues heh

Drama (if you hadn't seen it): Who Are You, Fated to Love You, Awkward Season 1/2/3, Glee, HIMYM, Sherlock & Doctor Who

8. Any guilty pleasures, and if so, what are they?

Yes of course. For people, Bucksung & Taecchan's my guilty pleasure. As for non-human related, ice cream and online shopping :D

9. Secret place of comfort? 

My bed

10. If you were an object, what would you be?

An object eh? Ok, either Taec's underwear or his mic. HEHEHEHE



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