Makeup is my worst enemy

Hey guys!! Happy Halloween (to thothose who celebrate) so I'm wearing make up right now and I noticed that every time I wear make up I'm different. Dont get me wrong I like make up its just whenever I put it on I get reallt irratated easily and I get hella crabby. I don't know why but for some reason with makeup on I get the same personality I get whenever I'm pissed and I ing hate it. Even as I'm writing this I'm kinda pissed at autocorrect its not even funny anymore.


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My friend every time she has red lipstick, she's more y...
Maybe, the make up you used is already expired? Okay, scratch that. Does make up have expiration? kkk I began to wonder. lol
The only make-up for me is lip balm. -_-
Ha! I dunno how to use a makeup only
the .. the lipstick,lip balm , lip gloss..
MizzPeel0007 #5
Well I thought make up was supposed to just change our out looks for some time (happy) not crabby. Maybe you have angry makeup.XD