Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!



Even though I didn't go out tonight *throws up at the amount of homework I had* I am going to a party at my friends this weekend and me and my friend are going as sushi! I speant the last hour homemaking the costumes. They turned out really well! Halloween is one of my favorite days! Anyone else do anything fun for it? What is your favorite candy? I didn't get any :( But I hope you all enjoy your candy eating! EAT LOTS!!! 


Today at school my class subgroup didn't dress up for the costume competition and my friend whispers to me during the assembly: "pssst. what if we dressed as a k-pop group?" I laughed really hard because i didn't know if she listened to k-pop. I celebrated for a little while in my head thinking maybe she liked k-pop! 



After a few moments she was like "maybe not...there's a lot of eyeliner involved."

I died from laughter. 



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Lol your first gif was funny. And your friend is funny too. Not all Kpop groups overdose on the eyeliner. XD