tagged by ladydance123

Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

Rule 4: Let them know they've been tagged 




1.coke or pepsi?

Both but since I always drink pepsi I'm going to choose it .

2.If you would read a FanFIc What would it be about?

I would like to read comedy , fantasy , romance , action , adventure … etc .

3. or Yuri?

Both I can't choose >.< .

4. What is your favorite K-pop Band?

I listen to a lot of kpop bands but my favorite would probably be Exo <3

5. Favorite song?

From Exo right now I'm obsessed with Let Out The Beast . Can't stop listen to it ^0^ . from others maybe FU by miley cyrus X) .

6. Favorite Drama or movie?

For drama I really like Boys Before Flowers . and for the movie I recently keep watching So Undercover probably three times a week but I'm a movie kind of person I love to watch a lot of movies and I have so many greet movies that I still till this very day watch them again and again ;D .

7. Lucky number?

2 or 5 ;P .

8. Are these questions boring ?

No definitely not XD .

9. Do you like water?

Hahaha Of course, I mean I guess I have to ? XD .

10. What's your name?

Haneen I's arabic and it means yearning , longing and missing something or someone ^^ .

11. If you could have any guy in the world who would it be?

Someone who will love me for who I I'm , honest, won't cheat on me , kind .. etc .




My questions :

1-What is your favorite color ?


2-What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you ? XD


3-If you won a lottery what the first 3 things you will buy ?


4-If you could have a superpower what will it be ?


5-If it is okay to kill who is the first person you will kill ? Xp



6-What is your worst nightmare ?


7-If you had a child what would you like to name it ?( give two names for a boy and a girl  )



8-Favorite day of the week ?


9-Is your personality crazy or quiet ?



10-Would you rather to be fat and happy or skinny but unhappy ?



11-What do you think of me *shy face * ? XD hahaha




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