Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone~

Today has been an exciting day for me. In school my daycare class took the toddlers around the school to recieve candy. I was in charge of a cute little blond haired girl with blue eyes. She was dressed as a cute lady bug that her mother made for her. Which was adorable non the less. After taking them trick or treating around the school we took them back to class so we could have our Halloween party. We ate a lot and I mean A LOT! When we got done we took pictures with our kids and helped themdress out of their costume. It was a bit tricky getting my child to cooperate with me but we managed to get it done. That was school. Now I'm getting ready to take my younger relatives trick or treating. Just like in school I'm dressing as a ballerina so I don't scare the kids. I can't wait to get candy ;P





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Happy Hallowe'en to you too!!!!!! Trick or treat smell my feet, give me something good to eat. Not too big, not too small, just the size of Montreal!