tagged for the first time

Rule 1;~ Post the Rules ♦


Rule 2;~   Answer the question the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones   
Rule 3;~ Tag 11 people and link them to the post 

Rule 4;~ Let them know you've tagged them 



1. What genre of music did you listen before KPOP? 

classics...wait, variety to be exact. I like all time low and nevershoutnever but at the same time I like Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, and Justin Bieber. (I LOVE KPOP MOST OF ALL.)

2. What is your favorite color? (don't laugh at this question xD)

Red. I love red alot that if I would have the chance to change the world color I'll make it red.

3. Do you like boy groups more than girl groups or vice versa?

I think I like boy groups more since they're hot. Exo is hot.

4. Do you love horror movies? As in, you watch them without screaming and break down emotionally, mentally and physcially? Like you're just watching it CALMLY? (because I do hehehe)

I am like Suho but I can watch horror movies if someone invites me.

5. Are you a pessimisst or an optimist (when thinking) when a situation occurs?

If something bad happens I tend to be a pessimist and whenever.... no, I am most likely a pessimist.


ALL OF THEM ARE HOT FOR PETE'S SAKE LIKE SMOKING HOT LIKE 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DEGREES (exaggerated)



My eleven questions are... can it be 12 since it stands for exo?

1. Have you ever dreamt of your bias/es living with you or you living with them?

2. Do you cry when your bias cries?

3. Did you dream of being a trainee?

4. Are you insecure about your face?

5. Do you want to be famous?

6. What are your talents or things you're best at?

7. What do you do when you are sad?


9. Why do ship that otp?

10. You can't live without....?

11. The most important thing/event/person that occured in your life?

12. Why is it/she/he the most important?



Okay I love exo because they made me so happy even though they don't know me. That is so random.


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