EXO's Reality Show

sidfhoajsdoijaspdihasdowqa My world is complete! I was so close to throwing my iPad from excitment, I think it's safe to say that I'm not the only one going insane from happiness! I'm sooooooo ING STOKED! hahaha you guys, like I can't even ing process how excited I am!!!!!!!!!! (dancing/jumping like an idiot) :D


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MissLuhan #1
KYAAAAAAA!!!!! i'm so excited. (dancing like an idiot)
Ksjsnxjdhdisknzjdosk!!! Im so happg aboit it too!!! IM GOING FREAKING INSANE!!!! IM SO FREAKING EXCITED I FEEL LIKE CRYING WITH HAPPINESS!!! *dies*
what reality show? o u o