Tagged by ffflll

So I don't usually do this kind of stuff because I really don't have the time to sit and answer questions. If someone else by any chance sent me one of thses things I am sorry as I have not checked all blog posts. I am so busy as of late all I want to do is cry lol any who I will answer this one and I don't think I'll be able to answer others but here goes anyway and I don't even know what to ask after I do...I'll think hard and I'll try so here goes...
rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


1. Who's your very first bias?

That would be Mr. Jung Jihoon aka Bi(Rain) My ultimate Bias but since he is on the down low well I hardly have anything to drool on but old pictures and video...so I moved to the second best thing which is all of 2pm

2. What's your criteria for picking a bias?

Well my Biases mostly have to be manly. I don't go for girly, or too girly cute baby faces like say Ren of from NU'EST or really young kpop idols like the newest kpop groups coming out lately. That's why I stick to the older groups out there like 2pm, Big Bang, Beast, U-Kiss, etc...

3. Would it be okay for you if your bias smokes or drinks?

Smoke not so much drink ocassionally is fine with me as i drink ocassionally as well only when I go out or to activities etc. And not to the point of getting extremely drunk...it's fine with a buzz but not enough to impair your other senses...no stinking drunkness is good with any idol.

4. What would be the first thing you'll do when you see your bias just outside your house?

Be sure it is him/them, hyperventilate sit down and maybe cry or maybe even have a heart attack lol I am not really sure I mean I have had my share of seeing artists in my country whom I really love but I have never over reacted since they are human beings just like me they are normal people but just are singers or actors and whatnot but I am sure I might freak out with my biases since I really love him lol

5. What's your blood type?

Not sure never really asked about it but I am pretty sure it might be O- or + either one of those. I'll check and let you know when I get blood extracted from my precious veins in a lab or hospital lol

6. 15 years from now, can you still imagine yourself fangirling over kpop idols?

Well even at my current age (I am not so young mind you) I am an avid fan of my favorite idols so I think yes but maybe no so feverent as I do now. I will always follow the oldest kpop idols when old lol

7.  Do you watch Running Man? If so, who's your favorite among the cast?

Oh yes I love Running Man it is the most awesome reality show around I laugh so much and they all make my day. That would be Kim Jong Kook, Gary and Ji Hyo.I do like Kwang Soo as well he is such and idiot and Ha Ha too he is annoyingly awesome hahaha

8. Have you ever watched We Got Married? If yes, who's your favorite couple so far?

Not really. I just don't feel like watching some of my favorite idols "married" to some other girl lol I am jealous like that with my biases though I have watched scenes of Taecyeon's with Gui Gui and I actually liked it.  So I would say Taec and Gui Gui for now.

9.  What's your favorite non-kpop song right now?

Um that would be Rihanna's "Love song", Bad and "Fantasia's Without Me".

10. Who's your favorite non kpop singer?

That would be Aaliyah even though she is no longer with us. And A living one well maybe Amerie...but does that count as Kpop since she is half Korean? Well I don't even know but I do like her music very much she is different and unique and very beautiful. As was Aaliyah.

11. I'm very shy. Would you like to be my friend? :)

So Am I so Sure why not? Although I am pretty she we already are! ;)


And now I don't even know what to ask...I don't like to ask questions lol but either here goes:

1. Up until now, which has become your all time favorite fan fiction ever? (Do not be afraid to answer I don't mind if it is not one of mine lol)

2. Favorite KDrama?

3. If you weren’t a fan of your current favorite idol or group, which group or Idol would you be a fan of?

4. If you were stranded on an island and there was an idol stranded along with you who would you like it to be? And would you reenact The Blue Lagoon with that idol?(lol)

5. Why do you read fanfiction? Entertainment or fantasy satisfaction?

6. Favorite Cheroegraphy of Kpop song?

7. What do you think of all the new groups that have debuted lately?

8. Top Ten favorite authors of fanfiction?

9. Who is your ULTIMATE bias? Group?

10. Favorite kind of Fanfic to read and of which Idol or group?

11. You would love to witness a dance battle between what groups or what idols?


Well that is it and I tag the following ppl:


*2PM2PM2PM, Keniam,  MonHyunWooYoung2010, LinsletCandence, Poisoncheecks, MyTaecyeon, Gorgeouskate, hottestlam, Shaneice, bubbletease, Skykhunyeon


*Don't really have to answer them just doing what the rules say I should do...It's up to you if you want to answer my questions.



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Thank you so much for answering this. I feel as though I'm a fan when I'm talking to you tho. It's 'cause I like your fics. :) I'm a Hottest too. Or more like a fan of Oneday, but really more on 2PM. You should try watching Jokwon and GaIn at WGM. They're called the Adam couple. If you're feeling quite down, I hope their antics could cheer you up. ;D
And I like RM too, I like the Monday couple too. Oh Gosh, I feel like we have lots in common. XD
Anyway, Thanks again for answering this. :) Even if you're busy as hell, cheer up and just go go go! XD
Yaayyy tagged^^ thx a lot :)
Ummm, you see here, I'm too lazy.. Can I just answer the questions here? Or do you want me to make a blog?
keniam #3
oh damn finding 11 questions will be hard. is there a time limit or something? ill try to do it in the following week.