need your opinion T^T

hi, i'm currently busy because i just got a work and i dont have to write at all >.< and today something big happen and im crying along my drive back home.

they are my co-workers and they do prank on me T.T it's start when one of them pretend to be my new friend using call and text. i can smell something fishy, so i just play along. just now, they said out loud that it is just a prank and i were like "Can someone bury me deep in hole?" this is so embarrassing >.< in the end, he send me "hey, i'm sorry. you can really be our friend" T^T i dont know what to feel, react and all..waaaaaaa


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Let me say this, what they did are completely stupid and simplistic buffoon act on. You thought on being friend with them? I say don't. You still can talk to them just don't degrade yourself to be call as one of their friends. They are you acquaintances. You know them and you will have to talk to them soon. At this point keep your conversation at the lowest limit possible. They will understand(if they I said simplisic buffon)and probably stay off of you eventually.
so evil of them. just ignore them. such s exist. i've faced it before, not as pranks. but they tell things behind my back and i got in trouble with my boss for nothing! i left that job for good.