my ideal type; `` the perfect oppa♥

well, i'm very picky when it comes to boy that i like..
/real life friends know that LOL i'll try not to be biased on chansoo


1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
of course. like come on, if it's my ideal, he must be a handsome guy.
2. Smart?
i loves boys in science department. it's always been like that LOL
3. Preferred age?
WHAT I'M MOST PICKY IN. NOT younger, definitely not. maximum of 3 years and 365 days; .25 day more is a big NO.
4. Preferred height?
at least taller than me, please. it's not hard, just be taller than 149.5 cm LOL
5. How about sense of humor?
yes. well, at least he must accept my random long- laughs...
6. How about piercings?
no fan of piercings on boys...
7. Accepts you for who you are?
8. Pink hair?
no, please stay in the natural shades.
9. Mushy or no?
slighty, but not the annoying mushy type.
10. Thin or fat?
healthy body; not too thin, nor too fat.
11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
12. Long hair or short hair?
boy short.
13. Plastic or metal?
14. Smells good?
natural good scent.
15. Smoker?
16. Drinker?
everyone has to know how to drink, but not excessively.
17. Boy-next-door type?
i've never understood the boy/girl-next-door thing ._.
but from my small understanding, it seems nice LOL
18. Muscular?
BIG NO. i like non-muscular guys okay.
i hate the big muscles and abs. i don't know why everyone's so crazy about that..
19. Plays piano?
i can't play music, so i don't care.
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
same answer as 19.
21. Plays violin?
19 ._.
22. Sings very good?
i love to listen to music, but playing music is another thing. i don't mind being a tone-deaf couple. 
23. Vain?
my guy has to be perfect.
24. With glasses?
let's be glasses-couple~
25. With braces?
2 years is enough.
26. Shy type?
27. Rebel or Good boy?
between, please.
28. Active or passive?
more on the active side.
29. Tight or bomb?
30. Singer or dancer?
dancer, let's roll together ;)
31. Stunner? as in looks? or like a schmoozer?
dang, what to choose. let me get both.
32. Hiphop?
b.a.p style?
33. Earrings?
34. Mr. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?
go away.
35. Dimples?
okei ôuô
36. Bookworm?
37. Mr. love letter?
hahahahah, okay?
38. Playful?
39. Flirt?
to me only.
40. Poem writer?
well, at least get a stable carrier.
42. Campus crush?
43. Painter?
i'm more of scientific guys okay. smart guys.
44. Religious?
buddhist, to get life simple.
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
hm, why not?
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
hm, i don't care.
47. Speaks 20 languages?
go away, don't you dare the beat me.
48. Loyal or faithful?
loyal; love is also about support. unfaithfulness will eventually come sometime in a relationship. i don't care if there's something happening once, at least love me, and be serious about this love. men have needs, i understand. girls have them too.
49. Good kisser?
what's a bad kisser? i haven't met a bad kisser. as long as we kiss, than it's fine. it's just a kiss anyway.
50. Loves children?
idk. just don't love them too much, unless it's your child, obviously with me. but the thing is.. i'm not sure if i want children.
so, please, not too much.


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number 18, same like me '-')
Ahaha I love reading this :)