Tagged by YellowPearl_BF

Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


1. Do you have a crush on someone? If you do, describe how does your crush look like.

None XD I live in a cave called 'my room'


2. What is the title of the first fic you wrote? If you've never write any fics, then the title of the first fic you read

Meeting Xi Luhan. ( I was an annoying noob back then)


3. What is your favorite group?



4. Who is your bias from B1A4?

Gongchan my 3rd husband ^O^


5. Where are you right now?



6. Are you older or younger than your bias?

Younger. Heck, everyone's older than me TT^TT


7. What is the title of your favorite fic?

Hmm...tricky question. Choding's Got Married


8. What is your favorite song?

Another tricky question...(I'll choose two since I'm a BADMAAAAN) The Chaser and Destiny 


9. Who's your ultimate bias?

Lee Sungyeol, hands down.


10. The reason you joined AFF?

I wanted to upvote and subscribe to a fic ( I forgot it TT^TT) then I went on hiatus, then Infinite made a comeback, then every plot popped into my head >:D


11. Your favorite MV?

The Chaser



1. Your UB group?

2. what's the best fic you've read?

3. Have you ever been to a concert?

4.Current fave song?

5. Ultimate bias?

6. First bias?

7.Favorite drama?

8.What's your least fave group?

9.Last song you've listened to?

10. What's your least favorite rumor?



>mintypetals                      >myung_yeon

>parkjiyeon_lkim                 >bubuuuuu

>jenniferjoey                     >namyeon

>sijolie                              >pokethebabo

>clumsyangel                      >aisharahmi


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what is UB?? o.o