tagged by mrs-exo

rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


1. Your ultimate bias? (...can be kpop or non kpop...i like tom hiddleston and the movie's john watson!)

I have no idea. I mean, I like Chanyeol, but probably more as a fanfiction characther than a real person.

2. ^why?

I like to let musicians be musicians, I like exo, and any other band, because of their music, not their personalities.

3. Song(s) you are currently addicted to?

Conor Maynard - R U Crazy

Alex Clare - Love you

4. Books/Stories you like?

As for books i am currently reading Hotel Iris for the second time

And as for fanfiction.... aahh so many,, so lazy

5. Favourite word(s)?

Melancholic is a really good word

6. Favourite movie(s)?

Sherlock holmes or the princess and the frog 

7. 5 things in your bucket list?

Write a book

Learn to photoshop properly 

Never ever have children

Go to Canada

Go to China

8. one thing you hate the most? (or five and more, i don't mind ^^)

Water and whales! 

9. favourite season?


10. ^ why?

Cause everything is really pretty, and Halloween and it's cold but not too cold

11. ...food you like? XD

I dunno... food in general. I'm not picky.


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