
Look i got tagged :P ............................thankyu double-oh-sehun
rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them

1) How do you feel about EXO my bias is showing who cares
to put it mildly, i'm a Baby so uhm, you do the math
2) Name your top five biases
JYJ, TOP, Sunggyu thats 3+2=5 right?
3) Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?
an alsatian named Andy
4) Do you have an otp? If so, what is it?
Holy Banghim couple <3
5) What other fandoms are you apart of that are not kpop fandoms? (if any)
STAR WARS.........................the best thing that happened in a million years in Hollywood & Yeah, i'm a cray cray Liverpool FC stan, does it count?
6) Do you have a significant other? :3 please tell me about them if you do
not yet
7) How do you feel about gay marriage?
you should be allowed to marry whoever you love, ual orientation has nothing to do with it
8) What's your favorite animal?
Tiger......................OMG cutieeeeeee :P
9) What's your first name?
kaweeeen Victoria :P

10) Marry date or cuddle: Kris, Tao, Kai
none none NONE............
11) How old are you?


Okee, so my new set of 11:

1. which is your favorite monument?

2. which is the most beautiful place in the planet for you?

3. your favorite zodiac sign?

4. banghim/woogyu/jaechun, which is closest to canon?

5. how many kids do you wanna have?

6. your favorite subject growing up?

7. favorite body part of your bias (and your bias's name) *y*

8. other than kpop, fav genre of music

9. miley cyrus/adele/christina/alicia keys/selena gomes, who would you rather be?

10. kpop girl/boy group you like to dislike

11. favorite non-AFF author :P


should i tag you? i guess i will :P

strangeneko, YourKpopFan, --, Howling, Katinga Trouble, EternalSnow46, BangHimJae, DaeJaeBangHimUpLo, IdioticProblems, xdark_blue, candicane, darkreverie13, bellaatong.



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Ok I'll do it lol
And yay fellow banghim shipper <3
seriously. seriously.
Okay #4... what do you mean by "closest to canon"?