tagged by someone ;A;

tagged by : Blackbeauty




01 : post rules
02: answerarrow-10x10.png the questions the tagger tagged you, then make 11 new ones
03 : tag 11 people and link them to the post
04 : let them know you tagged them



Blackbeauty's Questions:



1. If you were the richest person on earth, would you give me some of your money? (Say yes because we will rule the world together~)

uh, probably xD if we meet :3

2. Name your current kpop obsession. Person, drama, song, anything...

Exo, they're just awesome like that.

3. Best body feature? 

idk, eh.. height? does that counts?

4. If you were in a kpop group, what do you think you're position would be?

rapper? or uh, idk. lol ;A;

5. Where would you want to live when you grow up?

New York or somewhere nice

6. Age? And, what do people think you look like? (What age do I look like?)

i'm 13, stupid and ikr.people thinks i'm 16 -.-even i'm younger than that

7. If you had the power, what would you do to saesangs? (Let's keep it nice, okay? Or, not...)

kill them, send them faraway ! kidding, stop what they're doing ~

8. Any extra-curricular activities?

school activities though it's holiday, i hate that.

9. Favorite 2013 rookie! Name one or all~


10. Selca...only because it is needed for me to stalk see you!

this was few months ago, my phone spoiled. -.-


11. Last but not least and certainlyarrow-10x10.png the most important... Do you love me? (LOL~)

hahas, yes :>



jongyul53's Questions ;

let's do this, i'm bored.

O01 : if you got the choice to marry someone, who'll it be?

002 : tell me what's your favourite kpop bands duh.

003 : where're you from?

004 : what do you see in yourself in 10 years time?

005 :  what's your favourite OTP? and the OTP you think that isn't meant to be.

006 : what's your age?

007 : 3 countries you would visit?

008 :  your selca, i want to see you! stalk you obviously.

009 :  your honest opinions on exo and snsd?

010 : who do you like? whose your crush? other than kpop idols *.*

011 : do you like me? HAHA, /slapped.






yulhyuklover, jessica-shawol, CNBluegenerations, Yulandco, OMGraphic, DinoPearl_Riza

Kimyeonyi, YKJoelle, leeminah , babyul , guyswithbraces





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