When Forever Turns into Tomorrow Application

Your Info
AFF username: ctrl_me
Profile link: LINK

Your character

Name: Shin Eun Jae

Nickname(s):  EJ

M /F?: Female

Age & DOB: 16 & May 24.

Ethnicity: Korean


I grew up having a power. And that power is seeing the past and future of something or someone I touch. I grew up alone. So I thought I'll see my past if I touched myself. But nothing happened. I saw nothing but darkness. I guess my power doesn't work with me. I spent 8 years living on the streets, experiencing hunger, seeing how greedy people are. I guess being in this situation made me realize the world is really unfair. Some people have their own families, and I have none. They're living a happy life, and I am not. The only thing that made me advantageous or special is my power. And that's why the Doctor adopted me. He really treated me as his child. He's really kind to me and the other kids in the house. But after a year, when I turned 9, he's not the same person I met before. He won't let us leave the house anymore. He even locked us inside a room, or should I say a prison. He locked us there for seven years. He used us for his experiments. Then I found out that I'm not the only one with a special trait, the four of us have different powers.  And I also found out something about me, I have not one, but two powers.


After 8 years of living on the streets, I started thinking of life as an unfair game. But after the Doctor adopted me, I thought everyone deserves chances and opportunities. I thought my life is going to be happy, since someone's there to love and understand me. He showed me that life is something we should be serious about, that in life, you're not always going to be on top. He made me realize that sometimes, you have to suffer to make others happy, you have to sacrifice a part of yourself to be totally happy. He's right. We all should sacrifice but in my case, I've sacrificed enough.
Having powers isn't really special. We're also humans. That means we're not different from people who have no powers. I actually envy those people. There's nothing they need to hide from others. If you have no power, then your life will be happier. You don't have to think of how to manage those powers, how to live normally without hurt others. I don't want what I have now. Because of these powers, I'm stuck in the Doctor's prison. I'm willing to give up these things just to escape.

Power(s): Seeing the past and the future of something or someone I touch. Can control the wind.

Family members/ friends:

     Father and Mother - Shin Woo Dong and Shin Ji Won.

     Friend - Soo Young of SNSD


She has long, black hair. She's also a bit tall. She has pale skin and a not-so-thin body. She's also innocent-looking. LINK1 , LINK2 , LINK 3 , LINK4

Name of the ulzzang/model/person: Yoon Young Ah


EJ's a girl who grew up as a loner. She became a bit afraid of people because of what happened to the first half of her life. She became scared to them because she thinks they'll hurt her. She's a mysterious girl, for she always keeps things to herself. She finds it hard to express what she feels and what she thinks. She has a good temper. It's hard to make her angry. She can wait for something or someone even if it takes her hours of waiting. She's a sensitive person. She can sense if someone's lying or hiding something from her.


- Math

- Music

- Paintings

- Silence

- Mazes, puzzles


- Reading

- Too much noise

- Heights

- Cats

- Fire


- Sleep talking

- Looking down when talking to someone

Fighting Style:  She uses her powers. She always relies on it.

Love interest:  Kyuhyun

Their personality & how your relationship works:  Kyuhyun is a guy who is sometimes evil, sometimes good. He likes bullying others, making fun of his friends. But he's a sweet guy. He cares a lot for the people around him. When he's not in the mood, he's often seen alone, just staring blankly. He's always busy playing Starcraft, his favorite game. No one can snatch his laptop away from him. He tends to ignore people he's not close with. That's what he did to EJ. He first saw her when she was just 6 years old. EJ was really hungry that time so she went to him to ask food. But he just ignored her and left. They met again three years after. He's on his 9th grade while EJ's on her 4th grade. They became close because of a common friend - Soo Young.

I <3: Leeteuk of Super Junior


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Maybe I'm just an emotional wreck, but I started to tear up during your background xD Awwh