
Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer thew questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


tagged by primrosing


1. Your biggest fear?

Well, I have many fears actually, so I'm just going to name my only phobia: CLAUSTROPHOBIA T-T


2. One thing you can't live without?

Luhan/Sehun Um, music?


3. Your role model?

Hmm...well, I don't really know, but if I had to choose I would choose BoA (She strangely looks like my late mom O_o)


4. Why did you choose your aff name?

When I made this account, I was a Kissme, hence KISSMEang5l. But I'm not a hardcore kissme anymore so I REALLY want to change it, but not enough karma :(


5. Something you're addicted to?

Luhan/Sehun I have a strange addiction to soy sauce Lol


6. Favorite holiday?

Halloween because I'm cruel and I love creepy things and Christmas because.....well, you know.


7. Favorite TV series? (Not dramas)

Nikita *-*


8. Fictional character that is mostly likely like yourself?

Rima, from Shugo Chara because she's cold and her nickname is the Ice Queen but when you get to know her, she's actually really funny and cute (Super short like me too Lol)


9.Favorite book?

I don't have one because I read too many books but my favorite series is the Gallahager series :)


10. Day- or night person?

Night because it's cool :D


11. Laptop or smartphone?

Laptop XD




1. Favorite season?

2. Song stuck in you head right now?

3. Dream guy? (Or girl....0-o)

4. The language(s) you want to learn?

5. Favorite drama?

6. Current favorite song?

7. The fan race(s) you are (EXOtic, Shawol ect.)

8. SM, YG, or JYP?

9. Role model?

10. Do you like One Direction? I hate them DX

11. Ship any couples? HunHan


Tagged: ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY :D share the love


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