Tagged by yDeathEater

I was tagged by yDeathEater


rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


1) Favorite group/boy band?

Super Junior

2) When did you discover K-pop?

A little over three years ago

3) Which country are you from?


4) If you could have only ONE superpower, what would it be?


5) Where would you like to live?


6) Which international celebration/holiday you wish to celebrate/participate in?

Pepero Day!

7) Have you ever done something embarrassing in front of your crush?

I hit my head on the bus door as I was getting off and fell down the stairs...,


8) Ever had an imaginary friend? if yes, talk about it.

I used to pretend I was in Robin Hood and I talked to the entire cast of the "Prince of Thieves" as a child. I had a crush on Kevin Costner..,

Does that count?

I also used to pretend I was friends with Barnabus Collins from Dark Shadows, (The original, not the Tim Burton one)


9) Do you prefer sweet or sour?


10) Do you believe in love, lust or dreams? Why?

Yes, all three..., and I just do.


11) How do you want people to remember you by?

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Lolol I laughed a lot! The one with the crush, that got to hurt!
everyone are getting tagged
ive been tagged like 12 times here and on roleplayrepublic!
Perfection right there xD