I've been tagged... by somebody i've tagged. xDD


1: Post the rules

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule

4: Let them know you've tagged them

Tagged by: EdPotter (i see what you did xD) 


1: Who's your bias group? Only ONE.

Mean question ya know ? 

Uh... I'd say BigBang, because Daesung is my Hubbie. Period. xDD

2: Are you a byuntae (ert)?

I think so. With the amount of rated M fanfictions i read... Yeah. I am. xDD 

3: What type of stories do you like? Horror / Action / Romance / Comedy / Sci-fi etc? You can choose more than one, don't worry~

Hum... Action/Romance/Comedy/Bit-Lit ! 

4: From your answer in Question #3, usually what scene that interest you the most?

I can't answer that. You may be too shocked to talk to me anymore. OTL XDD

5: Choose ONE. Kris / Suho / Yongguk / Jinyoung / Onew.

MEAN ! How do you want me to choose between them ? Really ?! ... Jinyoung. *pouts* 

6: Who's your biggest celeb crush? Only ONE.

Adam Brody. Oh my god. I love him. A crush i have on him since 10 years already. 

7: If you're at the fansign of your top bias in Question #6 and it's your turn, what do you want him / her to say / do with you?

Hum... "Hello. Mind to share an ice cream with me at the end of the fan sign ?" I'll probably do a blackout, but i would love to hear that from him. *o* 

8: Your biggest interest? That almost nobody can stop you from doing it.

Singing. Nothing and nobody can stop me from singing. Never. 

9: Do you ever have a crush or love story in the real life? Tell me.

No. Not at all. It's sad, isn't it ? But i haven't. TwT 

10: Which way do you prefer for your bias to think of you? Charismatic or cute? Why?

Charismatic. Because if he think i'm cute, how did he gonna take me seriously ? Plus, i can take care of myself very well. And i don't want anybody to think of me as cute. I prefer to be called charismatic, that mean i have a certain aura around me, and i can act as a orator, a protector for people around me. I want my bias to think of me as somebody he can count on. 

11: Your ideal type? Share along with details. It's okay, I can read even if you share an essay.

Though question... My ideal type... I want somebody wo can talk to me easily, who can be in certain circumstances cut (as my oposite in certain way ^^) who can listen. Who can be my bestfriend if needed. He have to be taller than me ! The rest, i don't really care, but there is certain point who need to be filled for me to notice him. xDD 

Oh, and i want him to take cake of me too. :shot: 



My questions ! 


1. What song are you listening to actually ? 

2. where would you travel aside from South Korea if it was your first choice ?

3. What's your favourite song ? (all type of music is included) 

4. Do you speak other languages ? 

5. Have you an artistic talent ? If yes, what are they ? 

6. What will be your perfect date with your bias ? 

7. What's your favourite season ? Why ? 

8. What is your favourite story on AFF ? 

9. If you met your number 1 bias in the street... Like you walk, and paf ! He is right in front of you. What would you say to him/her ? 

10. What's your favourite tree ? Why ? (random again~ ) 

11. And the last one is... Your favourite flower. Name it. 


I don't even know anymore what i'm doing. 

It's because EdPotter taggged me again i say you. 

And now, i want to tag... Everybody who want to answer those. 

Hope you enjoy ! :D


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btw, Happy Halloween!! although i didn't celebrate it, i wanna prank somebody... my friend... *evil laugh*
hahah full of prank~ xD lemme try this~
1. B.A.P's. but currently i'm hooked with Troublemaker's new songs.
2. um... Italy, maybe? cause i LOVE eating.
3. K.Pop. and maybe some English songs, but not much..
4. my native language (Malay) and English. and now LEARNING Korean.
5. drawing anime, i think... idk, my friends said so. i'll try to post my drawings maybe tomorrow...? my mom hold the camera..
6. a date at amusement park. i love it!
7. winter and spring. cause i never experience it since my place is on the equator.
8. The Man Who Never Dies by Goddess. and also some others.
9. i'll greet him and cry right away (TTuTT)
10. hahahah hmm mango tree? well trees than produce eatable things xD
11. hmm red roses. it used to be white but after growing up, i prefer red. :D