LovingOnewOppa tagged moi

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones (not gonna happen again)
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
1.whataya listening to right now?

Childish Gambino- Heartbeat

 2.What's your favorite piece of clothing?

My washed up jeans I have for four years now. 

3. Something you're looking forward to?

This week being over.

4. Random fact about you -

I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow? :))

5. Any pets? If so, what are their names?

Yep, a dog, but he's at my grandparents now. His name's Nicky.

6. Favorite non-kpop song(s)?

Pretty much everything from The Arctic Monkeys (even plan on tattooing some of their lyrics).

7. Favorite Asianfanfic writer(s)?

sohbet, Phaggot, LovingOnewOppa and some others I forgot the names of, I'm afraid.

8. Favorite Fanfiction(s)?

Touchline by curledupkitten, Gravitation Redux by fumerie write, Phoenix Rising by sohbet, The Thin Line Between and Burn Out by maayacola, Little Angel by luhanroxx (don't judge me) and a lot more I forgot to bookmark, apparently.

9. What was your favorite toy as child?

My brother's blue toy truck.

10. Irrational fears?

Heights and large bodies of water (these count as irrational?)

11. Are unicorns real?

Have you seen a dude called Zhang Yixing?




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