Tagged - LlyaAegi


Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 10 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 10 people and link them to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

Tagged by: LlyaAegi


1. What is your favorite story on AFF?

Oh that's a very hard question. Actually almost every fanfiction about ChanKhun. What should I say I'm a shipper thats why *Laugh*
So my favorite 2PM fiction can be found in
The Library
If you haven't checked the library out yet you should, support each other.

But if I had to name one I would say STRANDED
because it's a mixed group fiction, many people don't give those fictions a try. (Me usualy neithe) But this one is very special even though they are so many characters in it, each of them is very realistic and has their own character.
The story is a fantastic mix between drama and sometimes comedy, and it just you in once you gave it a try. So pleace suport stranded, so she feels encouraged to write many many more chapters :3


2. If you could give advice to your past self, what would you say?

Film 10 point out of 10 and ing focusing on Chansung, don't let yourself be distracted from dorky Taecyeon, else you may miss ChanKhun snuggling on the other side of the stage!

I'm really that easy minded aren't I? *laugh*

No I would tell my past self, don't stop writing and focus on english in school.


3. Who, outside of your family, is your biggest inspiration?

You guys!

4. What is your personal talent?

I think making posters for beloved people *Laugh*

5. Which Kpop band will you follow to the end of your days and why?

2PM because those guys deserve it.

6. Do you prefer printed books or ebooks?

Books because I love the scent of books. And having something to carry around. Technic always need electricity. Books don't. It's possible to read at a fire place. Pretty book covers, or the fonts they choose to print shows the detail love of an author. I alsp prefer to buy albums over iTunes. In my eyes it's the same. Having it in your cupboard, being able to take it out and look at it when ever I want to it. Feeling the texture of the paper. It's just not the same as ebooks.

7. If you could spend 3 days anywhere, real or fiction, where would you go?

Uff thats hard. I want to be anywhere but here were I am. But maybe that isn't correct either. I just love being free and walk aroudn in a unknown city. Preforable with loveable companie to talk about. I love that feelin of unknown what might be behind the next turn. I love talking with totally strangers, able to build frinships but also being able to just mov eon and never seing them again.
So where ever is fine, just give me 3 days to walk where ever my feed want to go.


8. Favorite non-kpop band/artist?

That's difficult. I once loved Visual Key, especially oshare key groups, like Oyuugi wagamam dan paradeis, SUG and Ayabie:
But nowedays I like to listen to either catchy songs instead.
Maroon 5 does have some good songs too.


9. If you could turn into an animal, what would you be?

I think a rabbit. Though I love to lay in my windows, enjoing the first spring sun on my back.
But thats nothing a rabbit wouldn't do. I'm noisy, jumpy, hyper, careful and shy sometimes. So I think my chinese zodiac matches me quite well ;3


10. OTP you think is seriously real?

Honestly, I wished it would be *Laugh*
But I'm realistic and as a realistic person I do believe they would make an awesome couple wich has so much affection towards each other, and would fix each others weakneses. I sadly believe that they themself didn't noticed how perfect they would match *laugh*
I'm fine with either way, and I don't really care as long they are happy ♥
So my biggest fear isn't if they are real or not, it's more like 'please don't let it be onesided', that would be so hearbreaking 3
So I wouldn't ship them if I wouldn't sense a possibilty, or wouldn't think they really would make a good couple.

How ever they are many reasons they may never end up together, never will be together, or never felt that kind of love I wished they woudl feel for each other.
But they will still have those tension, and those brotherly care, and thats enough for me to be happy. They care for each other and are there for each other. It doesn't need to be more, because sometimes a person you can rely on is so much more worth than love.
Love can loos it's charm, true brotherhood won't!



My Questions:

Your first reaction in the morning?

What kind of habbits do you have?

What's the coolest thing you ever found on street/or in your pockets after washing your pants?

The nicest thing you ever done?

Your most memorable dream?

Your most embarrasing moment?

Which is your most favorite memory and why?

Most dissapointing food you ever had and where?

Something you desperatly want to do or try?

Why do you think I tagged you?


for my Tagged lovelies :












I'm sorry & I you! So if you absolutly have no time to play along I won't mind it at all <3


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I'm answering here cause I got a lot to do right now. Sorry. But will tag you back one day when I got the chance again. <3 you too!

Your first reaction in the morning?
"The ! I'm late!" This never gets old.

What kind of habits do you have?
I love playing with my ear. XD It's a habit since young.

What's the coolest thing you ever found on street/or in your pockets after washing your pants?
A torn and faded picture of jensen ackles. I thought I lost that picture! He was - in that pic btw.

The nicest thing you ever done?
Helping random old people for fun.

Your most memorable dream?
Um....i have a lot actually. I write down my dreams. There's one dream.....of babies (in diapers) waddling around in a large lake....and their heads are HUGE! Like ten times bigger than their bodies. And the parents were egging them on. Another dream...getting chased by a huge black guy while I was in a small car with a few friends, running for our lives.

Your most embarrasing moment?
ZIPPERS! There're always a menace!

Which is your most favorite memory and why?
The memory I share with my family, holidaying and stuff. It keeps my mind off stress.

Most disappointing food you ever had and where?
Roti canai. At a nearby indian stall. Had diarrhea for three days because of it.

Something you desperately want to do or try?
ice-skating and dancing! I just don't have a team that would dance with me.

Why do you think I tagged you?
Because you love me? Hahahahahaha.
Will do it tmr in my PC because it's too difficukt to do it now in my cellphone. kkkk
Hmmm... Hahahaha well i'm too lazy to make a blog post, and I also got tagged by my other friend. So... Can I just ansewr the question here ^-^ ? If not then i'll make the blog post
ill do the tagging later okay bb!
im on examination week rn and i was not supposed to here at all.. but cant help it, my hands got its own brain ㅠ.ㅠ

oh btw, chankhun in my sims are engaged already!!!!!