Tagged! :D

The Rules:
1: Post the rules.
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones.
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
4: Let them know you've tagged them.

My questions..... 

1. How was your day today?

Mmm, was alright. It was cold and rainy though...


2. What do you think about chicken?

Yummy. And Onew!~ haha

3. Smarties or M&Ms?

Ah... M&Ms

4. Do you like ice skating?

I must admit that I have never ever ice skated before... so Idk. Probably~


5. What color is your hair?



6. If you could have any super power what would it be? and why?

Telekenesis. So that I could close my bedroom door at night without having to get up several times because the door won't stay closed... Yup.

7. Why do you like kpop?

Because I can relate. The music brings joy to my life and stops me from stressing out too much. Does that even make sense?

8. If you were a suber hero/villan what would your name be?

Hmm... that's kinda hard... errr... what's a pretty word? hmmm... idk. I really have no idea but if my power is telekenesis ... ? *shrugs*

9. Do you like action movies?

Yesh!~ They are epic and awesome and ka-pow! :D haha

10. Have you ever wanted to be a ninja?

Yes! Totally and be all "I can see you but you can't see me~" kekeke

11. ummmmm.... how many toes do you have? (IDEK!)

10 toes! All perfectly funtional! haha




1. Favourite kpop band/group? Why?

2. Your favourite meal of the day? Brekkie, Lunch, or dinner?

3. Do you play pokemon games? *w*

4. Then, your favourite pokemon?

5. What genre of writing do you like?

6. Do you have a Tumblr? ^^

7. Complete the sentence! When I'm older I want to be a ___ ?

8. What kind of phone do you have?

9. Do you play games? What kind? (Video games, computer games, phone apps?)

10. Nearly there! Can you dance?

11. Last one! Who's your kpop bias?




(I'm sorry... You don't have to do this! ehehe~)
1. purplekpop
2. exoticbabylove

3. ChoiMinsulFxs
4. wishful

5. Smile-U

6. tartytorts

7. _Cho-Rin_

8. Cinnimoroll08

9. inorixyuzuriha

10. Alice_2003

11. ... meh.





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MinYukiChan #2
The question in #11 !! LOL.