Tagged by changeling

rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


1. Are you upset I tagged you in this? :(

No! I like it! 

2. What makes you cringe? (your biggest fear or phobia)

Hmmm, it's not exactly a fear (or is it?), but I don't like (hate even) the feeling in your stomach in roller coasters when it plunges down...is that a fear? I don't know...I still go and ride roller coasters hahaha 


3. Which character do you like best in What are the Chances...? LOL. And why? Hahah!

Jungsoo!!! Because he's cute! and because he likes Baekhyun hyung! And he supports chanbaek hahaha  

4. Who's your bias in EXO?

Kris! That damn gorgeous ! joking! I love him! 

5. What other groups do you like besides EXO?

SHINee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Key my love!!!!hahahaha Yep shinee...

I like super junior, ft island, cnblue, tvxq, is boa a group? no?hahaha 

6. What makes you happy?

Food? Reading fluffy cutesy fics hehe and food. 

7. Do you like bubble tea/milktea? :D

YES!!! Currently addicted to them. Like crazy! I want to buy ice cream milk tea everyday!

Do you? 

8. Can you recommend some songs for me to listen to? ^_^ Pretty please, I beg of you

English? Korean? For English, I like old love songs. And disney songs! Mulan's reflection! or  Pocahontas' If I never knew you.

For korean, I like to listen to bap these days...cause it wakes you up hahaha

9. What one thing (spice or food) can you put in any food you eat? Like, just because it's your favorite and you like its taste. :))) This question's weird, I'm sorry.

Soy sauce? I could put it in fried chicken and still like it hahaha But I like my food usually without sauce or spice except for fish, fish needs soy sauce. 

10. Do you know how to cook?

No. Trying to. I tried cooking tuna with corn and my sister refused to eat it. I think that explains it all. 

11. Were my questions weird? -.-

No. It was all about food though hahaha 


My questions: How to make 11 questions hahahaha

1. Real name?

2. Who's your ultimate OTP? 

3. Who's your bias in all of kpop?

4. Where are you from?

5. What's your favorite movie?

6. What's your favorite genre for fics?

7. What books do you read?

8. What's your favorite book?

9. Do you like chanbaek? Why the hell not? HAHAHA Why?

10. What's your favorite food?

11. Are you working? Studying? Highschool? College?


I sound like an autograph book, so high school!...sorry...can't make questions hahaha


tags: lovemenot, owmichi, wordtherapist, eexxoo, ecodeuraibeu, vampireinside, daniiisaur, mottinuri_lagorda, can't think of anyone anymore haha 



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Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions, hehe!

I could totally relate to the feeling of the roller coaster thing.
I don't know if I like it, either.

And are you sure Jungsoo supports Chanbaek? Heheheh. :P