
rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
Tagged by SRwhiteBunnyz (I hate you bunny :P)
1) What's your undergarments color? LOLxD/slapped/
.....orange (God I hate you right now this is embarrassing ><)
2) Who am I to you?:3
You're my beautiful dongsaeng hahaha shut up lol
3) If you can kill someone, who will it be?
It would be you right now so beware!
4) If you got scolded by your parents, what would you do/think?
I usually would just walked away... I know I know sounded so bratty but I have my reasons
5) Who's your Bias? Why?
Ahn Daniel ehehe because he's an adorable prick who couldn't help but to be adorable in everything he do. Heck I even find him charming when he's mad hah
6) If you have a Genie, what is your wish? State as many as you want.
* A house designed by me
* Buy all of the books on my booklists
* Travel around the world
* All the things I've desired (which is a lot btw)
* A walk-in closet (HEAVEN!)
* All of the albums I don't have
* Unlimited moneyyyyhhh
7) If you know that you will die tomorrow, what will you do?
I'd probably go nuts..
8) If the person that you held dearest ask you to kill yourself, would you do it?
Of course no. That would be dumb of me. 
9) Do you think that your smart and pretty? x)
Sadly, no
10) Have you ever feel betrayed? Why?
Yes. Because I'm a sensitive prick.
11) What do you hate the most in this world?
I don't hate anyone but I do disliked a bunch of people because of their attitudes heh for example; my dearest cousin who once were an angel
1) What color do you want to dye your hair if you can?
2) Your favorite word in the whole world
3) A hug or a kiss?
4) Do you have a family member that you just want to kill sometimes?
5) Name your fave song and why?
6) What's your best features?
7) If you can change something, what would it be?
8) Your lucky number
9) One person who never fails to make you irritated
10) Your biggest desire?
11) Recommend a book you like
SRwhiteBunnyz Akacchiin missripley rollingbaek Goddess sunshadow24 hyukelfkpoplover97 fan-atic kitana 100dumz tracylove003 
I just sort of typed every account I remember haha



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hey, I answered your questions ^^ http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/713178