
Rule 1: Post the Rules
Rule 2: Answer the question the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.
Tagged by : lynndae
The question :
1) Name one feature that you like about your self.
== My eyes.. (Don't ask why...)
2)  Describe your perfect date, :D
== I like simple date..just him with me already make my date perfect..I will follow him whenever he take me to, except motel or whatever same like that.. (silly right)
3) If you could create your own 6 member group with any people from any groups, which six people would you put into this group and why?
== I don't want to separated any group..they are good when they together..6 member group? B.A.P?
4) Pick a season: Spring or Fall?
== Winter..Joke~ I will choose spring because i love flower.. <3
5) What did you think of Block B's return?
== I don't know what to say!! I LOVE IT~
6) I'm bullting this whole thing, so, uhm, what kpop song best fits you?
== SHINee's Replay.. xD
7) Has there ever been a kpop MV to make you cry? If so, which one and who was it by?
== I don't know~ O.O /think/
8) You own a night club!! What kind of club is it, and who do you have working for you from the kpop industry? :D
== Night club? I want to have high class one.. Yongguk as the manager, Himchan as the bartender, Zelo and Jongup as the dancer and Daehyun as waiter... Youngjae as my personal assistant.. xD /laugh/
9) If you could have one super power, what would it be?
== Mind reader.. I want to read people mind, what they think about me.. ^^
10) How did you find AFF?
== My dongsaeng found it first and I join after that~ ^^
11) What's your favorite fanfiction here on AFF and why?
== I love all fanfiction here~ <3 <3 <3 <3 All my friend are good author~
My question :
1) Tell me your full name and where you live? :D
2) Do you like Youngjae? Tell me why you like or why you didn't?
3) First Kpop song you like?
4) Your most favorite boy/girl group?
5) Your favorite OTP?
6) If you can be born again..what did you want to be..?
7) Show me your favorite picture of your bias? (give as many as you want)
8) Song that you want your boyfriend sing for you on your date..? (kpop only)
9) What will you do if you wake up in the morning..saw your bias sleeping next to you?
10) What is your dream about your bias?
11) What is your favorite part on your bias?
I tag :
1) eiqaenigma96
2) lynndae (SORRY...)
3) Niel-SarangHae
4) Taerania
5) LadyValentine
6) iluveu
7) AddyHaqeem95
8) popify-ish
9) ausername_
10) LadyAngel123
11) mamaboy



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