I respect this EXOstan and Queen's.

I was derping in facebook when suddenly I came across a page and found this post . It's written from an EXOstan and I respect him a lot for writing this. I had always hated most of EXOstan because they're immature,childish and like to start fanwars but this person,I give all of my respects to him for writing this. I love humans like these two to be honest. :')

"Most of the Queen's are True Fans" 

I had been a kpopper for almost 8 years and I had never found such fandom. The fandom that is strong,true and mostly,polite. It's Queen's. I would like to be part of them but I just can't be attached to T-ARA yet. I know I will someday because I believe that T-ARA will stand up and be successful again. Why? Because they have their TRUE Queen's. I had never once seen any fanwars that was started by Queen's. Other fandoms bashed T-ARA but no,Quen's would rather say
"Please don't say like that to T-ARA" , "No. That's not true" , "They're not like that. We trust them" . 

One day,I was talking with a friend of mine,and she is a Queen's. She told me the story before she got into this fandom,Queen's. I asked her "What makes you want to be a Queen's? T-ARA had faced a really hard downfall last year". She answered me "I know right? When I think again,I wonder,why am I in this fandom. We got bashed everywhere. We got hate comments everywhere. Then I realized,it's because they're a family to me. I was an E.L.F since I became a kpopper because of Super Junior but it changed,I'm a hardcore Queen's. But not because of T-ARA but it's because of the fandom. We don't bash other fandoms because we know,bash isn't making us go anywhere. I love Queen's because when I first came into the group. It was after the contoversy started,like 1 week after.  I did say to a Queen's '
I was actually a T-ARA hater once' and she answered me,very politely 'It's okay. We don't bash and we don't hate. We always receive new members in our fandom with warm-hearted no matter who they are. In fact,we feel really thankful to have new people supporting T-ARA. Thanks a lot'. I had never been treated like that in the other fandoms I am in. Everyone talk very nice and sometimes they joke around. Want to know something? This year's MAMA have no T-ARA right? But we vote for others. EXO,SHINee,Infinite or Teen Top or maybe Super Junior."

She cried as she continued again "I really want to meet the true Queen's(s) in real life. I want to hug them tightly. I want to say how happy I am to be in the fandom. It had been a year since I'm in that fandom. Before I got into the fandom,I had always been such a basher. I bash other fandoms and maybe groups too. When I think back what I just did,I feel sad and ashamed of myself. How could I do that? How could I bash T-ARA and also Queen's? How could I never realize that they're actually my true family in this kpop industry? A member once said to me '
True kpoppers support all groups no matter what happen'. No one had ever said that to me. I was really hurt realizing how stupid I was when I bashed T-ARA. Come to think of it,I was realy dumb to be fooled by those haters with the evidences that they gave to bash T-ARA! All of the evidences are from shows that everyone,each and everyone in the world watched! I don't know why some Queen's left the fandom. It's really weird the fact that they had watched the evidences in front of their eyes before the controversy came out! As a Queen's myself,I'm glad they left. Those who left don't deserve T-ARA's love. We,Queen's,glad that they left because now we know,who is the true Queen's and who is not. I'm thankful that I could be in this fandom. I would want to invite more people into my family. I assure you,if you become one of us,you would never want to leave unless you're stupid and easily got brainwashed by haters"

After talking to her,I realized how true Queen's are. I started to search about Queen's and it's true,they don't bash.
They're very polite and very nice. I feel like I want to be in the fandom too. Supporting T-ARA and have a family like them. From now on,I hope the other fandoms won't bash each other and make QUEEN'S as role models. Bashing is not a kpop thing. I remember back then when everyone was fun and happy. Now,it's trash. Fake. Everyone is fake. I wish I could find someone like this girl more. She deserves the respects. I hope EXOstan would be more mature and don't start fanwars. EXOstans,let's support other groups too. Because, 'TRUE KPOPPERS SUPPORT AL GROUPS NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN'.


Dear people,I will become an EXOstan as well. I will support EXO and every group. When I think again,I felt like I become a Queen's also for the fandom. I love Queen's most of all. Our quote is ; 'Rest is never in KKS' dictionary. We should not rest and always support T-ARA too' . We,Queen's,will never rest! HAHAHA xD 


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this warms the cockles of my heart. ❤ i got into T-ARA when i first watched No. 9 & got smitten by jungie's charms. hehee. forever supporting them. ❤
cherryQueens #2
Queen's is a warm family <3 I feel that also
We are Queen's forever♥Always guard T♔ara
Proud to be a part of Queen's :) I'm an EXOstan and Inspirits but I will never ever leave being a Queen's. T-ARA is my source of happiness in Kpop. ^^
You are right in every word Queen's is the best fandom and I'm so proud to be apart of it ♡ we help and care about each others .. not like the other fandoms
Yes!!!!!! I am Queen's~real Queen's and Queen's! Once a Queen's Forever Queen's !
paperboat- #6
awwh that's so sweet to know, proud of QUEEN's and this person too and the girl also, i'd like to thank her too for being so a nice QUEEN's
parkjiyeon_Lkim #7
I'm glad to know that there are still people who appreciates us just by supporting our beloved T-ara all the way. I've been devoted to T-ara eversince I was mesmerized by Jiyeon unnie's beauty while dancing Lovey Dovey. But then, I also got along with other Queen's well enough that I learned to love them as well like a family. I'm so proud of being a part of such fandom. I'm also a SONE, Inspirit, Shawol and EXOstan, but my ultimate fandom has always been Queen's since we love each other as much as we love T-ara unnies. I agree that Queen's were true fans 'coz we sworn to be with them till the end no matter what hardships come on the way and how much hates we get. Well, it's true that T-ara got into lots of scandals, but Queen's were always there supporting and defending them even though our idols didn't know about our existence personally. I just love K-Pop and T-ara, but I suddenly found an instant family where I could share my love for T-ara who could relate to what I feel. It's been a year and I just hope T-ara's music and hardwork were enough for the bashers to stop the bashing. They shouldn't bother themselves bashing our unnies if they just hate them, shutting mouth at once wouldn't hurt. T-ara, Queen's are always here! Never give up! FIGHTING! ^_^
kimaray #8
really touching <3 how happy i am be one of the Queen.
thank you for posted it :)
awwww :")
This is so touching, really! <3

I'm a Queen, SONE, Baby, VIP and EXO fan. Well SNSD is the only korean idol group I known before until I watched Eunjung on dream high and figured out about her group also and I've been addicted to them until I realized I'm a proud Kpopper now! The scandals that happened to them never broke my faith and loyalty as a Queen in fact it made me more attached and love them more that despite of the accusations by netizens they never give up and continue to fight what is right. As long as they have fans, LOYAL fans that always believe them, fight for them, depending them in all accusation by the haters in a right way, T-ARA deserve the popularity and love by people and to my fellow QUEEN's I am so proud to be with you guys, with this fandom. Even we receiving hurtful words by others we never fought back in a harsh way. <3 T-ARA/QUEEN's FIGHTING!!!!
You know, that's kind of true. There aren't many articles or complaints of Queens being all buck wild and crap. And, like every group, T-Ara deserves the popularity that they were able to gain.
right_queen #11
So touching! :')
I'm a Queen and an Exo fan :3

Really haters? That's all you can do? -.- Queens who leave the fandom and hate on T-ara just because of RUMOURS are not true fans. Shame on them. =.=
/le slaps them
/teary eyed/ Actually, I'm an EXOstan too.. but after a few days when i heard that exostans were amongst the ones who left during T-ara's time to perform in Dream Concert, i decided to leave the fandom. But whenever i think about my friends (most of them are EXOstans tho; i was the only Queen's), they actually support me even though when I talk to them about T-ara, they don't understand a single thing, they still comfort me especially during the controversy last year.

I have researched Anti T-ara pages and i discovered that most of them are EXOstans (which kinda made me feel bad AGAIN) but i realized it was not important anymore. I realized that i should not drag innocent EXOstans with my anger too. Hating people who hate is not a solution; bashing them will just waste your time too! So i figured out that i would just stay calm and spend my time with my fandom Queen's! I HAVE NEVER EVER BEEN IN A FANDOM.... this was the first that i really got into <3