Tagged~ yall must rike me ;)

1: Post the rules rule

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule

4: Let them know you've tagged them

  1. What's your favorite kind of chips?
    Salt and vinegar~! (mhmmmm)


  2. Who's your ultimate bias?
    I dun have one~~~ (too lazy to pick -_-)


  3. Do you like spicy foods?
    Yes...with 3 gallons of water


  4. What's your favorite K-Drama?
    Well I like a lot but I mostly watch boys over flowers over and over (#thestruggleisreal)


  5. Which female idol don't you like?
    Hyuna. I mean they call Hyoyeon a for dancing with Lay and Kai but look at her dancing around in short with half lidded eyes like really ?


  6. Which group has the cutest members?
    Yabaseyo babuen moetni~~ (Nuest just unf)


  7. When did you start listening to K-Pop?
    Around the ratchet year of 2010

  8. What is currently your favorite song?
    Christina Aguilera-Hurt
    (she is so pretty T_T)


  9. Do you have  a female idol crush?
    Nurp :3


  10. How many siblings do you have? 
    Six...I'm the only girl #killmenow


  11. Coke or pepsi?
    SPRITE BIATCH!!! /blows kisses/




What's your favorite food?

What's your favorite moment?

If you ever travel where would you go?

Do you own any pets?

How many languages can you speak?

Do you watch the news?

Who is your favorite Artist/Band?

What's was the worst situation you have been in?

Are you doing good in school?

What do you do on your free time?


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Lol, reading yours was really fun lol