Darn, I've been tagged.

Rule 1. Post the rules.
Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link them to this post.
Rule 4. Let them know you've tagged them.
                  _Nikko_ Questions.

#1: Which do you find more ually attractive, girl or boy? Boysssss~

#2: What is your favorite Asian meal? Sesame Seed Chicken

#3: What color are your eyes? Brown

#4: Do you go across bridges? Yes.

#5: What is the bias you often dream of? Kim "Kai" Jongin.

#6: What is your OTP? Taohun.

#7: Does your family know you read ? I dun't.

#8: Have you ever liked someone who hates you? Nope.

#9: What is your sign? (That was for you Sweetheart). O.O sign...?

#10: What do you think of me? You're cool ^^

#11: Why does tagging people keep going on? I don't know which is why I won't tag anyone :)



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I love how short your replies are xD