Tagged By Snowhibiscus

rule 1: Post the rules
rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


1. How'd you find AFF?

I was just searching on the internet for kpop/korean related imangines/fanfics.

2. What's your favorite kind of story to read?

I really like reading sweet romance fics.

3. What's your favorite food?

Uhh, I don't think I have one?

4. Which artist group would you like to join?

I would like to join ... any?

5. What's your favorite song, ever?

My favorite song ever would have to be INFINITE's Be Mine.

6. Any plans to leave AFF perhaps?


7. Do you like to watch movies?

Yes, Somewhat.

8. What is your favorite movie?

I don't have a favorite movie as of right now.

9. Who was your first bias?

My first bias was 2PM's Taecyeon.

10. Are you scared of anything?

Yes lots of things

11. Do you plan on writing a story on AFF?

I do plan to, but now anytime soon, i  don't think.


Questions for you:

1. Who is your ultimate bias?

2. What do you like about them?

3. Do you have many ideas for fancfics?(just wondering)

4. Are there any fanfics that you know of that you would like to recommend?

5. Has there been a fanfic where you felt like should have been longer/continued?

6. What type of fanfic do you enjoy the most?

7. Who was the person that got you interested in fanfics?

9. How did you get interested in fanfics?

10. Whats the reason behind your fanfics/wanting to share them?

11. Who are you most into now?















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