TAGGED BY: SRHYnamwoohyun


I didn't want to do my homework. AHAHAHAHAHA. I'M SUCH A GOOD STUDENT.

You can Please don't tag me back.

So here goes...

The Rules:

1: Post the rules

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

4: Let them know you've tagged them


Questions from SRHYnamwoohyun

1. If you are given a chance to speak to your bias/group, what will you say?

A: Keep up the good work you adorable s guys ^^ Especially you Rap Mon~

2. Which kpop song made you cry bcos the lyrics are just too touching/sad?


3. Is there any song that relates to your situation/ what you're feeling? What is it?

Uh, a couple? 


BTS - No More Dream

B.A.P - No Mercy

B.A.P - What the Hell

4. Dress or skinny jeans?

Depends. But I do like skinny jeans more.

5. How will you describe your bias?

Someone who looks a lot like me (Which I find terrifyingly creepy), a cute dork, a charismatic leader, and someone who I just want to give a big hug to because he's so adorable and dorky.

... Keep me away from Kim Namjoon please.

6. Did you ever have a crush? If yes, describe how you feel when that person is around you.

OHOHOHOHOHOHO. I don't know how I feel around him. Like, he's like mother to me (somewhat) and yet he's also like an annoying older brother I love to annoy back. I feel comfortable around him but the age difference and the fact that people tell me he's a player is not good. TT__TT

7. What is the colour of your room?

I have very tacky wallpaper. It's like maroon, pine green?, dark peach, and dark pink (almost red?). It's also a bunch of shades of brown due to the wood.

8. How do you dress for school? If you're wearing uniform, describe how you dress when you go out.

Plain colored t-shirt, black hoodie, jeans, Army Strong lanyard, and converse or knock off vans. My hair is always changing.

9. How will you face the situation where you're not feeling well yet some people are irritating the hell out of you?

OHOHOHOHO. I'd end up yelling at them and if they say "Wow, PMS much?" I'd get up from my desk to slap them or hit them owo Sorry, I'm a violent person. *cough-this-has-actually-happened-more-than-once-cough*

10. What is the best gang/ gangster/ action fanfic that you've read?

I do not remember a really good one ._. Sorry.

11. You have been bullied by a group of girls, every time you didn't fight back, you forgive them. But they don't have a limit and it's getting on your nerves. You are scary when angry. What will you do to the girls when you finally can't take it any longer?

Confront them about it. I'll do this in a calmly matter and if they don't stop I'll tell a staff member or some adult. 

Here's my 11 questions

1) What would you do if you found out you were crushing on a player?

2) Name three of your biases. The first one kisses you, the second one slaps the first one and pulls you away out of jealousy, and the third one is secretly in love with you. What is your reaction?

3) For BTS fans: What would you do if someone like Jungkook went to your school and you see him everyday? *coughs-someone-at-my-school-looks-like-Jungkook-cough*

For people who don't know BTS too well, What would you do if someone who looked like your bias went to your school and you see him/ her everyday?

4) If you could act as the main character in a drama based off of any fanfic of your choice, what fanfic would it be?

5) You're outside and you accidentally bump into someone. You drop your phone and the stranger does too. You both accidentally take each other's phones and you're both already a far distance from each other. That someone is actually your bias. The problem is, you were reading a fanfic about said bias. What do you think his/her reaction would be?

6) If you could skip any course and still get the credits for it, what course would it be?

7) You suddenly catch your crush staring at you and he/she doesn't notice that you've noticed him/her. What do you do?

8) Let's say you were texting someone during class. The teacher catches you and reads aloud your text. The text he/she read was the most recent text you have sent to anyone. What was the text and how bad is it?

9) Let's say you have a dance choreography project. Your class must choose random paper from a hat to determine their partners. Everyone else in the class found their partners but you haven't. The teacher tells you that you have an extention because your partner is from abroad. Your partner turns out to be the main dancer of your bias group. Who is your partner?

10) You're filming a horror movie with your third ultimate bias. There's a kissing scene and you don't feel quite comfortable with it. How would your third bias react?

11) Name four of your biases. You're alone at home and there's a black out. You suddenly hear creepy singing coming from the closet, a knife cutting sound in the kitchen, a bathroom door locking, and footsteps in the backyard along with loud pounding on the back door. Your first bias was drunk and singing in the closet, your second bias was making food for you, your third bias had constipation, and your fourth bias got locked out of the house. Name all four of them.


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Uggghhhh! Fine...I've got nothing better to do xD
Oh and I'll answer your question later. I don't know when but I'll let you know if I do. The Wi-Fi in my school is really jdbfirv;no. Took me so long to post the comment :/
Thank you!
I'm reading this during my lesson. The good girl is using her laptop bcos the lecture was way too boring. I could do self study just before the test and get an 'A'. Well, at lease this was what I did last semester.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say now is I'm holding back my smiles and the urge to laugh. You have awesome answers! haha.
I wonder how your room looks like. Sounds unique [:
I'll take note of Qn.5 and keep him away from you. But isn't that too sad for you that you can't be near him?? :3
And qn.9, I wish I can do the same. Although I can be violent but I wouldn't show it. Maybe it's my mind that is violent. Heh heh heh