Tagged by deerthehun & WushuDragon

rule 1: post the rules 

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them



Questions by deerthehun~


001 – hai again.



002 – /throws butterflies
/throws sparkles
003 – /throws butter
/throws toast 
004 – give me food again
But But *^* Umma didn't give me food. Ask ur umma~!
005 – favorite girl in kpop
Gurl's Daey Girl's Day
006 – favorite guy in kpop
Gurl chu ish cray cray (FYI more than one, I can't choose)
Suju: Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Donghae, Henry 
Exo: Kai & D.O.
BTS: Jimin
B1A4: Jinyoung
BtoB: Minhyuk
CNBlue: Minhyuk
100%: Rokhyun
B.A.P: Zelo
SHINee: Onew
Infinite: Sungjong
Boyfriend: Kwangmin
B2ST: Kikwang
Block B: Kyung
Vixx: Hyuk
Big Bang: G Dragon
LC9: Jun & J-Hyo
Nu'est: Aron & Ren
Teen Top: Ricky
TVXQ: Changmin
2PM: Nichkhun
U-Kiss: Dongho
007 – favorite show (doesn't have to be related to kpop)
Spongebob Squarepants
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Black Butler (rewatching season one again)
Music Bank
Weekly Idol
008 – what are you wearing atm
-light blue denim polo
-Exo K XOXO shirt
-black jeggings
-khaki ankle boots
009 – eating?
Lay's and a sammich o/
010 – favorite song?
Exo XOXO & Heart Attack
011 – stop tagging meeee

Questions by WushuDragon~

1. What would you do if any one of your favorite bands (k-pop or not) showed up at your house and knocked on your door?

1.tackle them

2. Ask for their phone numbers

3. Force them to adopt me

4. All access to their entertainment company

5. Lock them away by otp so they can make babies

6.Force them to buy me plushies and clothes


2. What do you do on your spare time?
Dance, listen to kpop, reblog our boys stupidness on tumblr
3.  What is the one reason you love K-POP?
It let's me express myself; show a true me. It makes me feel like I belong
and I can't live without it. It's like a need like how every living thing needs oxygen.
4. If you could play sports, what would you play?
Gurl~ I play tennis and volleyball. I dance as well~ (It counts as a sport)
5. What do you spend the most time on: computer, homework, listening to k-pop, or doing other things
Homework~ School is a priority
6. If you had to take a foreign language, what would you take?
I already take a foreign language (Tagalog) but if I could take a different language, then it would be Korean or Chinese
7. What is your religion *if you have one*
8. Selca please^^
Gurl, tbh, I like taking selcas~
I'm not cute
9. Where do you live, and do you like it there?
SoCal bby~! of course I love it here
10. If you could be anyone, who would you be?
I would actually want to be Luhan, Baekhyun, Kai, or D.O.
11. If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be?
To be able to bend time and space~~

My Questions -u-

1. Selca! Give dem to meh~!

2. Choose one bias.... One bias only >:)

3. Time zone~ (so I know when I can talk to chu~!)

4. Favorite animal

5. Favorite Kpop band (1 boy group, one girl group)

6. Most favorite otp

7. Most favorite fanfic ever~?

8. Name~~ First and Nickname

9. Ehehhehehe grade?

10. Tumblr account? If chu have one~ I wanna follow chu

11. If your bias were to come knock on the door, get down on one knee, and propose to you.... How would you react?

Bias: " _______ -ah, You must be surprise to see me here and yeah I know. You think I don't know you but I do. And... I love you. Will you marry me?"

12. Ideal type? (Describe)

13. Favorite ulzzang



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K so like, do I only answer ur questions?
Wait did u tag me?