I was tagged... (Unnie you better be happy I love you).

Rule 1. Post the rules.
Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link them to this post.
Rule 4. Let them know you've tagged them.

DancingDreams questions:

QU.1 : 1st group that got you into Kpop?: SHINee <3

QU.2: The group that kept you into K-pop? E X O~

QU.3: First memorable piece of fanfiction you read that either meant something to you, struck a heartstring, or ummm made you laugh? My Minho Hyung... 2Min angst that still makes me sob ; n ;

Qu.4: If you could have your bias as a best friend, or as a penpal which would you choose?  Dino-puppy Jonghyun.

Qu. 5: If your bias came out and said he/she like those of the same , would you support them or not? yes, and they better be with the person I ship them with xD

QU. 6: Are you willing to name your first daughter "Amy" after me? Yes, her middle name though because I want my baby girls first name to be Xandria, hehe. Love you Unnie <3


QU 7: IRISH WHISKEY OR SCOTTISH WHISKEY? Scottish baby, gotta go with my heritage lol

QU. 8: WOULD YOU JUMP OUT OF A PLANE AT 10,000FT OR GO BUNGEE JUMPING? Bungee Jumping...? Dude, I'm scared of heights.


QU.9:   (I liked this one so I'm stealing it!) Speaking from a total-fangirl-who-ships-guys-together-all-the-time point of view, if you were a guy and you were gay, would you you be a top or a bottom? TOP! Like hell am I getting sticks up my e n e

QU. 10: what would your reaction be if I proposed to you? (YES I'm ASKING THIS!)
Yes Unnie, I will marry you ;3

QU. 11: list your favourite people on AFF? (Just 3 or 5) Well You, DeerDuizhang, X33exokmx33, and LucyIncredible.



Tagged: Elegancy, shattered_mirror, DeerDuizhang, LucyIncredible, dancingducks, kattyToodles, shineelittleminho , madz67, ForeverMidnight, Sinner and honestyinlies.


#1: Which do you find more ually attractive, girl or boy?

#2: What is your favorite Asian meal?

#3: What color are your eyes?

#4: Do you go across bridges?

#5: What is the bias you often dream of?

#6: What is your OTP?

#7: Does your family know you read ?

#8: Have you ever liked someone who hates you?

#9: What is your sign? (That was for you Sweetheart).

#10: What do you think of me?

#11: Why does tagging people keep going on?


Go, your now it~


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ㅋㅋㅋI laughed :) Jjongie as a best friend/pen pal would awesome :)
Scottish whiskey is no where near as close to be as awesome as Irish whiskey~~~!!!
Irish whiskey for the win- it's distiller 3x missy- Scottish whiskey is only distilled twice!

Particularly particular about my whiskey~
I see you're doing it too!
This thing has gone viralllll!

I hate chu eue