I've been tagged by TheNarratress

Rule 1: Post the Rules
Rule 2: Answer the question the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3:Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.


Tagged by: TheNarratress


1. Do you have any pets?
I have a bird. :)

2. How many languages do you speak?
I speak Portuguese, English, Spanish, a little French and I know some words in Korean and Italian. /smiles proudly/

3. Which language (you speak) do you like the most?
I speak Portugues, but I like to speak (and write) more in English.

4. If you had the time and the money where would you like to go right now?
At 23pm? Well I would catch a plane to USA (where I have family) so I could skip school.

5. What do you like more: writing or reading? Why?
Well, I like writing more than reading. But because I do not read much I don't have much creativity when it comes to writing and I don't have a vast knowledge of vocabulary.

6. What kind of stories do you like to read the most?
Angst, romance, drama, mysterious, psychological, and yeah ... I think that's it.

7. What was the first kpop song you ever heard?
B2ST - Bad Girl (their debut single)

8. Why do you like kpop?
I don't even know it that well, it is just so addicting and the songs are catchy, there aren't enough words to explain that.

9. Who is your ultimate bias?
SHINee Onew will always be my number 1!!!

10. Do you have a OTP? If yes, who?
Kaisoo (they were the one swho brought me to this world oh shipping); Baekyeol; Sudo or Appa and Omma couple (Suho and D.O); I don't think I have more ... I ship Amber with everybody! XD

11. Would you say that kpop made you erted?
No! I was already. Pahah. True life.

Well I don't feel like doing new questions ... also don't feel like tagging new people cause they've probably done this already. So yeah. :/


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