Viral Tag | by __hyouka

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them

1. Give the person you like -- whether it be a crush, slight crush, etc -- a name and the reason why you like them. 

Hmmm... some sort of nickname? Hmmm... let's call him Mr. S, though it has no connection with his name :D I like him because his silence is comfortable and nerve-wrecking at the same time O.o

2. List two things that irritate you that the opposite does. 

Ignoring and not being able to remember to compliment once in a while.

3. Best thing that happened to you this week?

Well, there's you becoming my friend once again*fist pump* (are you even reading this?! O.O) and then there's the best day I spent with a dear friend <3

4. What are some weird things you do when you're alone?

Talking to myself and........ lying on the bed, thinking about nothing, zoning out for a lot of hours... can this even be called strange? O.o

5. Something you've lied about? Hint: The question above??? 

My feelings TT^TT

6. Post a bit of your last convo with anyone, give atleast six lines. 

Ok, but it's a mixture of Romanian and English, sooo don't get freaked! :)




7. Someone you'd like to be for a day, and why, doesn't necessarily have to be famous. 

I'd like to be a man for a day. I've always been curious about how guys see things and perceive girls^^'

8. List eight things that is within touching distance. 

  • teddy bear
  • my roommate
  • bottle of water
  • mini wafers
  • books
  • mirror
  • handwritten timetable
  • school bag

9. Top Nine most played music on your music player, (Windows player or Itunes, Etc.)

  • Crooked
  • Bad Things
  • When where What How
  • The Cure
  • ROD
  • Always With You
  • Memory
  • It's Me
  • Burn

10. Are you happy? If not, when were you last happy?

Right now? Not really TT^TT But I was happy at the beginning of the weekend :D

11. Choose one person in AFF that you strongly believe does nothing more but inspire people, give your reason to why you chose them. 

Hmmm... I don't think there's anyone who does that. Most of the readers/subscribers that say that to writers/designers are kissing asses in my opinion. Sorry. There are some that are inspiring for me, but I don't know what other people think about them. And if I were to give names, there would be AutumnHearts - because she's a great writer and she's incredibly friendly with everyone, breaking every stereotype of popular writers here on AFF, E_magine - she's just great! she always encourages those around her and always has a kind word for me and Jay - heck, this man is still holding on despite people throwing at him and with every comeback he's even greater; he has an amazing power to adapt even though he sees himself as a weak person; I really look up to him both as a human and designer :)



1. I dare you write something mushy! 

2. What do you think about those girls who make love confessions to you even though they don't know you personally?

3. Do you believe in love in the virtual environment? No? Why not?

4. How come you stayed around AFF?

5. Did you miss me? 'Cause I missed you. LOL at the awkwardness of this one^^'

6. Naughty girls or hard-to-impress girls?

7. What do you think about popularity? Is it something bound to happen once you have something special (a talent, looks etc.) or is something one can only bring upon himself?

8. Winter is coming?

9. A girl comes to you crying. She's a friend of yours. She tells you the guy she likes likes another girl. She found out before she could tell him her feelings. Any words of comfort?

10. In the links you posted as your so called 'selcas', is there really one of yours? And by the way, you promised you'd tell me your age and my b-day passed already TT^TT*.* *curious Kat mood*

11. One thing you like and one thing you dislike about me. Make it interesting! :P (yeah, yeah, copyright issues... later! :P)


Tagging: __hyouka


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Naaaaw what did I do to deserve such a loving dongsaeng?