I was tagged :D (By Strawberry2012)


Thank you for my cute dongsaeng for tagging me. I haven't done this before :3


Rule 1. Post the rules.


Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.


Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link then to this post.


Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.



  1. Your Ultimate bias?
  • Himchan


  1. If you had the chance to spend the day with your bias, what would you do? And where would you go?
  • I would hug him, make him play some instruments and then we would go to amusement park :3


  1. What is the best compliment anyone has ever given you?
  • I can’t remember but it was something really sweet :) It might have been something about me being interesting and that’s means a lot to me.


  1. What are you listening to right now?
  •  Shinee - Symptoms


  1. What was the last dream you had?
  • I can’t clearly remember but it had something to do with my cousins and puppies.


  1. What is the first song that got you into KPOP?
  • First time Big Bang – Haru Haru, second time B.A.P - Warrior


  1. What type of phone do you have?
  • Samsung Galaxy SII


  1. Who was your first bias, if it isn't your ultimate bias?
  • Himchan was my first bias. I did like some others before but not enough to call them bias


  1. Who's your bias list ruiner?
  • Freaking Daehyun!! Stop being so awesome ;_____;


  1. What is the most meaningful thing you've heard or saw?
  • Being you is enough.  Don’t change yourself for someone


  1. Who's your background picture? XD
  • No one :3



Here's my questions!


1. Your favorite kpop song?


2. Top 5 kpop groups?


3. Idol group you like the least? Is there reason for that?


4. Did something good happen today?


5. Last book you read?


6. If you could choose one super power which one it would be?


7. How many languages can you speak?


8. Which matters you more looks or personality?


9. Who do you think is the funniest kpop idol?


10. Female idol you would want to be?


11. Who is the best korean rapper?



I'm gonna break rules(because I'm rebel!) and tag anyone who want to do this! ^^

Have fun guys!





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