Got Tagged!

Rule 1. Post the rules.


Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.


Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link then to this post.


Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.


Tagged by: shadowgami



1. Why did you come on AFF?

- To read good fanficition and write some of mine own.

2. Favourite Author on AFF?

- shadowgami and PurplePluto

3. Favourite movie?

- Right now it's the latest Star Trek movie.

4. What was your favourite subject in school? Or is your favourite subject?

- I don't really have one this year.

5. Is there a quote you go by in life?

- "Hold on, love. It'll be okay."

6. Name something that really angers you in life?

- Arrogant, rude, and just plain nasty people.

7. Do you believe same- marriages should be legal in all countries?


8. How many kids do you want?

- 2. Boy and girl.

9. Favourite pairing in K-Pop?

- I have too many to count but my favorite would probably be BaekYeol.

10. Do you play video games?

- When I have the time.



1. What's a pairing you've always wanted to write for?

2. What phone do you have?

3. Who is your role model and why?

4. Something you can't live without?

5. Place you've always wanted to go?

6. Favorite book that you last read?

7. Cat or dog?

8. Favorite girl pairing?

9. Do you have a brotp?

10. Do you own any KPOP merch? If so, what?

11. Who is your ultimate bias?


TAGGED (i do not have enough friends for this OTL):









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