I was tagged, sorry beforehand

The Rules were:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
my new rule?
1: put all the questions they asked and reply to them ;)
2: see if you manage to write other 11

AyaniELF's questions:

1). Which superpower do you want? (Hey don't blame me I love fantasy >.>)

Mind control would make my whole life easier :P

2). Top 3 favorite songs of ALL TIME

No, damn this question somehow always pops out... I'll chose 3 from the random ones I heard yesterday. I don't have fav anything :)

la Rivoluzione

Non siete Stato Voi

I Cento Passi

omg no...no kpop songs? Oh come on, I love kpop but my favorite songs can't be chosen among kpop, for me to love a song I need to sing it, possibly out loud, and possibly crying XD 

I struggled to chose 3, but I think these are a part of me, what I like to think is active music (what?) If you want to know about those, feel free to ask. No I'm not some sort of ararchic lol

3). Can you describe your bias WITHOUT telling us who it is?

I have two...

- Sweet jawline, perfect upper body

- Perfect petal shaped lips and great but

4). What is your favorite movie? (I'm genuinely curious o.o)

None...The Lion King 2 (there...you make everythign hard for me)

5). Would you rather lose an arm or a leg? (legitimate question that I asked my bff T)

maybe one arm, possibly the right, since i ing need my left hand to survive *-*

still I think I would probably take out my life for one fo those options...I'm not the strogn type

6). Cupcakes or pie? (you choose pie, you get bonus puntos)

none, but I'll go with cupcakes, smaller and usually spongy, pies have fruit and i hate cooked fruit XD

7). If you could be ANYTHING at all for 1 day, what would you be? (if you say lamp.../laughs)

a cat, I mean, hello? 20h of sleeping...just great :D or you meant an object? Suju sofa then;)

8). Spiderman or Batman or Superman?


9). What is the saddest moment of your entire life? (Mine was losing my betta, Sparky)

I really don't know, I keep thinking about lame things...I'll be an adult, my cousin's death, because I didn't felt sorry enough nor sad, I felt guilty, being guilty is sad...

10). What do you think you WOULD have been doing if Asianfanfics were never invented?

I don't know, I would have kept posting my fics on lj, and tumblr, or maybe I would have gotten a life o.o nah...~

11). FREEBIE (cause I'm out of good questions) Write any question you want to answer~

Is AyaniELF being lazy with this last question? Yes she is! 

LalaSuJu 's questions :)


1. What color do you wish your hair was? Why?

A really dark red, why? it would have been plausible since my mom is red, and I would have spent less money on Henna ;)

2. What is your favorite quote?

I can only think of bad words, I don't know...you people have favorite things???

"live and let live"

3. If you could meet your bias what's the first thing you'd do? (Be honest ;p)

Hide, because this is the kind of weirdo i am, probably cry, if I can't hide, because emotions that strong make me cry (we are lucky I'm not a dog ahaha)

4. What is your biggest accomplishment?

my life , I can't consider anything an accomplishment...being able to reach many subs here on AFF, because you are the first big group of people appreciating the same piece of work of mine at the same time. (I don't consider my degree and accomplishment but I consider this one? I'm so lame)

5. What is your favorite food?

damn you! My favorite food is food! Italian food, everything about it is my favorite, saying pizza would be too obvious, so I'll say risotto :3

6. What is your favorite movie? Why?

WHY? I  replied to that already ;) whey? oh come on it's great!

7. How many siblings do you have? (I just wanna know if anyone has a bigger family than me, my best friend is the youngest of 13 O.O)

oh my...only one and she is more than enough XD

8. What is your favorite K-pop song? Why?

Ok let's say Mr. Simple, because the lyrics is nice :)

9. Dance pop or Ballad?

Usually I prefer ballads, but then I keep listening to dance pop (damn)

10. Approximately how many fanfics have you read?

10? less than 10? it could also be 11 . I'm not a reader, of anything :P

11. When did you start writing/reading fanfics?

Reading, probably 7 years ago, I read only half of and HP one ( one too) but then I started writing 2 years ago, and most likely I started looking around for ff too, but to be sincere I only read what people link me, I can't chose at all!

MyeolchiHyuk   's questions ;)

  1. Who is your one and only bias? I have two, as I said before ;)
  2. What type of guy you like? Smart, funny, and possibly tall, not hairy and I don't know he needs to be sweet
  3. Are you tomboyish or girlish? none, but surely I'm less girlish in my manners
  4. What are you going to do when your bias if right in front of you right now? *smirk* already replied, probably cry
  5. Your dream honeymoon place? uhm...I live in a dream honeymoon place basically, Sardinia would still do, I'll go elsewhere once I'm rich...plus I'm not gonna marry
  6. What is your favourite cartoon? I don't have one...
  7. What if your bias come to your house when he his drunk state and claim that your house is his house? ahahahahaha let him in of course?
  8. What is your personality? too kind  but secretly I hate every one, so i'll go with "scary psycho personality"
  9. Do you wear make-up often even going to school? ahaha I don't go to shcool anymore babe...and yeah I used to wear at least eyeliner or a bit of eyeshadow
  10. Are you in relationship right now? No, just like the past 25 years
  11. What is your first song you have heard in kpop? SJ' Sorry, Sorry :D

so...Now it should be my turn right? I can try ok... ;____;

  1. if you were an animal, what animal would you be?
  2. Pizza crust should be tall and soft or thin and crunchy? (these are serious matters)
  3. Where would you rather be right now?
  4. If I had an android phone, therefore kakao talk or watsapp...would you want to talk to me? (randomness)
  5. Are you over the legal age in your country yet?
  6. fiends or family? who's more important for you?
  7. Do you feel this world is getting worse and worse every day more, or are you part of the problem?
  8. do you hide your facebook from your mom?
  9. Are you ashamed of what your write and read here on AFF, or you can easily share it with your real life friends...or even family?
  10. Do you feel numbers on these social network sites are important? (don't lie to me, just tell me what you think)
  11. Would you rather be alone with your cat/dog forever, or with someone you don't like eh...not that much? You know the "I gotta marry and not look weird"...kinda thing

Ok my questions are over, As you can see, nothing about Asian things, because I know you probably received a lot of them already. I'm tagging ANYONE, I'd love to know your replies to these completely random questions. I know they are boring, but you love me right?

ahahah if you reply let me know, send me a wall post with the link if I miss it ;) ah...

don't tag me in these things, as you could easily tell I balls at replying

love ya ~♥


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Omg loosing a limb or breaking the backbone is worse than death i'd scream at the doctors untill they go deaf and fix it... Possibly kill me.
Sounds bad but i have a huge fear of tragic deaths and stuff like this like i start to scream and not able to concentrate if anyone tells a story like a car accident or something... Ok why did i write this? Idk sorry xd
The lion king is the most awesome thing ever!! I love the movie so much! <3 I saw the legal age thing, and I think it's either 19 or 21 here in Korea, but in Norway it's 18, but I got into an exclusive nightclub, and they even have us free alcohol ahah (I'm soon 15, but they thought I was 27 xDD) And your biases are Donghae and Hyukjae :pp <3
.-. you have no favorite anythings, but I enjoyed your replies ^^ It's how we all get to know each other more. HEY I wasn't lazy T.T I just ran out of questions. I got tagged a whole lot *.*