TAGGED [ BunnyH | NiaTeenTop | lecrybaby | --wickedjackal | Butterfly19 | rumahhijau | NurulAina | yunnie1510 | ck0330 | dream_keeper88 | flowerRockk ]


- The Rules -

Rule 1: Post the rules rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them

Tagged by MaryReeds


1. Do you know any technique to use when you're memorizing a fullpage script by less than 12 hours?

Read continuously.

2. Have you thought an answer for the above question yet?


3. List your 10 top bias.

01. Lee Hong Ki

02. Song Seung Hyun.

03. Choi Jong Hoon.

04. Choi Min Hwan.

05. Lee Jae Jin.

06. Son Dong Woon.

07. Yoon Du Jun.

08. Ray

09. Kang Jun

10. Oh Won Bin

4. Who is a goddess to you? (KPOP)

Lee Hong Ki.

5. Who's the hottest + iest girl & boy in KPOP?

Girl - Hyuna

Boy - ??? [seem everyone are good!]

6. Who's the most adorable + cutest girl & boy in KPOP?

Girl - ??? [I don't really know] KARA members maybe.

Boy -  Lee Hong Ki [Because he is an angel]

7. If you're in a group, which position would you like to take over?

Main vocalist or Bassist.

8. Bom 2NE1 vs Hyorin SISTAR

Bom 2NE1.

9. Fantastic Baby (BIGBANG) vs Growl (EXO)

Fantastic Baby (BIGBANG).

10. Blue vs Tonight.


11. Which group/soloist is the kingka & queenka in the KPOP World?

FT Island [For Sure].


* p/s: I'm sorry because too many FT Island here. But yes they make me happy and they are my super bias especially Lee Hong Ki, the vocalist.


- The Questions-

1. Why do you think EXO is popular?

2. Why do you think there are not many users here love FT Island?

3. Do you think Kris (EXO) is a handsome guy?

4. Named your ultimate bias and why?

5. How you get your username?

6. When you are given an opportunity to meet your bias, what will you do?

7. What do you think about your fashion?

8. List three of your favorite words. [The words must be in your language and state the meaning too]

9. State three of your favorite songs.

10. What bring you to Asianfanfics.com?

11. How long do you think you can stay in this green website (Asianfanfics.com)?


-Tagged to-














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Pout...I want to be tagged toooo
Butterfly19 #2
1. I think it is because, they're fricking hot and handsome. And.. their songs are.. attractive.

2. ... well um. I think FT Island is a senior and there a new users around.. that likes other groups.

3. Kris? Maybe 90% Many people think he's handsome but I think he's , ehh he's fine. But yea I think he is :)

4.D.O!!!!! asdfghjkl. Because~ He's adorable, cute, and he's also cute when he's blank. he's squishy and short, which is also pretty cute XD He knows how to cook and I like that specialty of him. He has a good voice and he's respectful. And also he's romantic (oh gawd, I'll end up spending hours in answering this question)

5. My username? Butterfly just popped in my head. Joongki because he was my first bias last year when I created this username, I used his birthday number (I think) 19.

6. I will probably fangirl SO HARD LIKE I'VE NEVER BEFORE. When I meet him, I will greet him and hug. And after that, I would like to have fun time with him. Not that dirty.. fun

7. I have NO sense of fashion, my mom even said that to me. I prefer hoodies, sneakers, t-shirts over dresses and heels. They're too girly for me. I like simple clothes.

8. Sak kali ehz [Translation : Hate it] Ia kien? [Oh really?] What??? Yup those are the three words, including What???

9. EXO - Growl, BTS - We On, K.Will - You Don't Know Love. My favorite songs recently...

10. How I ended up here? Or what do I do here?
Well, I don't know, I like reading and writing so yea! :D

11. ... until I don't like K-pop anymore (I don't know when will that happen) or when I TOTALLY forgot about it.

There, my answers. Hope you enjoyed it! XD XP
^^ okay, I'll try to come up with answers
I think number one is because they just debuted *-* okay makes no sense