Tagged by FireonWater


Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link then to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.


1) Favorite genre for a story?

Oh my god. I'm very very much for Real World AUs. By that, I mean that I want to read a story that could actually happen in real life, something realisitic.


2) I'm curious. What's your favorite color? 



3) Any televisons shows you absolutely adore? 

Aha ahA yes. If I'm supposed to go from non-korean shows... Big Bang Theory is my fave~~ Otherwise, when it comes to Korean variety shows, my favorites are We Got Married and Hello Baby. Korean Drama wise, my favorites are I Hear Your Voice, You're Beautiful, To the Beautiful You, and Love Rain.


4) What do you do outside of reading/writing fanfiction?


No, I'm in college so outside the internet..... I'm in our orchestra, I eat food, I don't study, I leave my homework until 2 hours before my class... you know, the normal college life lmao


5) What are you/have you/do you want to study in school?

Well *laughs nervously* Funny story about that. 

If you had asked me a week ago what my plans were for life, I would have gone off for 5 years about how I was going to go to med school and was going to be a Neurologist and Neurosurgeon and was going to move to South Korean in order to work there and raise my kids there and that was why I was trying to learn Japanese and Chinese on top of Korean etc etc etc.


I really thought about it and realized, like really truly realized, that being a doctor means you have to sacrifice family. And that's something I don't want to do. Soooooo I thought about it and realized that I would really like to... *drumroll*

Teach English in South Korea. That way I'm able to live and raise my kids in that culture AND be able to have the family life I want.

SO TO ACTUALLY ANSWER THE QUESTION, I'm a Japanese Major (because Japan is my fall back plan) with a triple minor in Music, Chemistry, and Chinese. I'm not going to pursue an Education major because there are too many unnecessary hoops to jump through.


6) What makes you turn away from a story?

Poor English. There have been several stories I have wanted to read because the plot sounded great, but I started reading and the use of English was poor enough that I just could. not. read.


7) What is your favorite holiday?

Meh Berfdae Okay no I'm not that egocentric lmao My favorite is Halloween because fREE CANDEH


8) What is your favorite OTP in Kpop?












tumblr_mu6lflHUkf1qzh5sno1_250.gif tumblr_mu6lflHUkf1qzh5sno2_250.gif


kyungsoo telling kai he looks good…and kai smiling like an idiot after he touches him….


doitlikekaisoo:  kaisoo Why U GOTTA DO ME LIKE THAT



9) Favorite fanfiction?

*cries forever* I have several..... The Boy with the Blues (sHUT UP SENPAI I CAN HEAR YOU FROM HERE), The Letter, Not Intended, Turn Up the Bright Lights, and Arbitrage.


10) Favorite author?

EXObubz like excuse me while I cry from her perfection. She not only wrote 10080, but two of my absolute favorites: The Letter and Not Intended


11) What is your favorite quote?

no. *kills self*

“My name is Jongin. I’m the writer who lives next door. See you tomorrow, hyung. Don’t forget!”



*because doesn't have time*



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