I've been tagged, so... :3 (the real one ! xDD)


1: Post the rules rules

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule

4: Let them know you've tagged them

Tagged by: @MyHeartStainedBlue 


The Questions~ : 


1. Choose one: Lee Hyori / UEE / Ailee / IU

Easy choice for me. Ailee ! Her voice is just so... Ugh. I can't. xD

2. What is your favourite song right now?

Memory of FTIsland ! <3

3. Who is currently in the top of your bias list?

Takuya, from Cross gene. He is just the man of my life right at the moment. Since 6 month actually. ^^

4. Which rookie group are you following right now?

A lot actually. xDD BTS, Exo, B.A.P., Nu'Est, BIGSTAR, Cross Gene, A-Prince, VIXX, GLAM, Boyfriend, BtoB... And i think i need to stop right here, because it's too much. 

5. Choose one: P.O/ D.O / G.O

Mean. -_- But i'm gonna choose D.O ! I love his personnality, i love his voice, i love him~ /slapped/ i'm gonna shut up now. 

6. Which idol would you want to be your teacher for your least favourite subject?

Least favourite subject for me: Mathematics. So i'm gonna choose Jaejoong. Because i'm sure he can make me like maths. xDD 

7. Whose your favourite SM band? ( Or do you not like SM?)

My favourite Sm band, uh ? SHINee. And then EXO came and ruin evrything. -_-

8. Pink or Purple? (LOL! Random much!)

Purple without hesitation !

9. Favourite movie?

Sweeney Todd. Beacause i like it. Period. xD

10. Have you been to any concerts?

Yeah. Miyavi ! :D

11. Favourite drama?

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge~ 



My questions : 


1. What's the first Kpop artist you listened to ? 

2. What's your top 5 bias ? 

3. From where you came from ? 

4. When you were young... What  was your dream job ? 

5. What's your favourite TV show ? 

6. Have you ever liked a song in a language, but when it was translated to another one, you suddendly start to dislike it ? If yes, which one ? 

7. What's your favourite rookie group ? 

8. Do you like any manga anime right now ? 

9. have you a pet ? 

10. What's you favourite pastry ? (yeah, curious much. xD) 

11. Who is your favourite girls band ? 


People i've tagged: 


1- MissFearLess24

2- Taemins_LittleNoona

3- Chugyeokja

4- GoldenBi

5- fan-atic

6- Supergirl27

7- Kyung_Na

8- fanficotaku

9- DobuOnew

10- ChocoLollie

11- EdPotter


Question so~~  random, but... Hey, bear with me please. xD


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I guess I'll be posting this now then XD
OOOH now I need to make a new post puahahaha XD