Tag Game..(Mzcutie_Stephanie)

Rule 1: Post the Rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.

Tagged by : Mzcutie_StephanieW

1) Who's my ultimate bias?

Lu Han

2) Who's your ultimate bias? And why.

Jessica Jung x) because of her personality & talent <3

Kim Jongin because of his passion for dancing and his love for his hyungs <3

Kim Myungsoo because of his personality~ yeah i have a lot of them..

3)  Your top 5 fandoms and tell me why.

Sone because they always stand up for SNSD and love them without judging them ..

EXOTIC because even if we are'nt there for them we are always here for them <3

INSPIRIT because they're really behaved<3

Afflixtion because we love them for who they are~

ELF forever gonna be an ELF <3

4) Your weight and height?

168cm 46kg

5) If you were to decide, which group would you join? SNSD or T-ara?


6) If you were a male, which female idol would you date?

i don't really know.. xD

7) Do you have any rivals?

So far? yeah..

8) Do you have a crush? Or boyfriend?

yeshhh o u o

9) Your favorite country? Why?

Australia,I've spent most of my years there..

10) Do you hate the teachers in your school?


11) What do you think of me? Please be honest.. Thank you..

I think yo're really kind even if we don't know each other yet.. ^^

Nope not gonna tag anyone anymore ^^



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