Tagged Again /shot

rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


tagged by Quicksand


1. OTP. Only one.

- Sekai. It was really, really hard to pick between them and Xiuhan ;;.

2. What's your favorite thing to do on AFF?

- Read fanfiction! Surprise, surprise. (I'm shocked!) I like reading reviews too though.

3. Thing you waste the most time on?

- I can't choose between watching anime and tumblr (And this is where I lose hours of my time.).

4. What's the color of your shirt right now? (Lull, these questions are so x3)

- It's green.

5. Favorite genre?

- Angst. Angst. Angst. I quite like psychological horror too though.

6. On a scale of 10-10 how much do you like me? (Just kidding guys, 1-10)

- 10/10 no question, gull you're amazing and I admire you so much :3 (Aww, I love you too ^^).

7. Favorite food? (Haha, I swear, these questions are so not legit.)

- Ice-cream u_u (Ice cream is so legit.).

8. The thing you're most scared of?

- Mm ... if we're talking abuot physical things, then heights. And excessive gore in media.

9. Favorite song(s)? (I swear I will go listen to anything you put here ^^)


10. When was the last time you went outside? (/shot)

- Excluding school ... three weeks ago, I think?

11. If I told you I loved you would you freak out? (I love all of you guys, sorry for the randomness of these questions C:)

- Nope ;P.



1. Do you own any kpop merchandise?
Yep ^^ /stares at the posters on my wall lovingly/

2. Have you ever gone skiing?
No. 1) I'm a wimp and skiing seems dangerous 2) My parents were always like why go skiing when we could go to the beach instead? x3

3. Have you ever gotten drunk? (/bricked/ I'm sorry, feel free to not answer)
Haha, not yet.

4. When was the last time you watched TV?
Meh...like legit TV? I can't remember. /shot/ The only stuff I watch are Asian dramas, variety shows, and anime and yeah.

5. Favourite non-English movie?
Hmmm, let's see, I don't really have one since I'm more of a drama person. Movies are too short. The last one I remember watching is White.../shudders/ I don't even want to think about that. It was freaking scary. Korean horror movies are really scary.

6. Do you listen to non-English music that isn't Kpop?
Do Anime OSTs and Chinese music count? Lol, I tend to group everything Asian together.

7. What was the last minor injury you suffered?
A paper cut, this morning. It hurt. (Haha, I don't get injured very often, a paper cut is usually as bad as it gets.)

8. Favourite fanfic(s)?

There questions are so difficult. I don't have one >.< I forget them as soon as I read them and then I have to find new favorites but I forget those quickly too...I'm a bad person.

9. If you had 24 hours to live, would you spend it in an amusement park or a zoo (with yours friends and family ofc)?

The zoo. The amusement park is so crowded and I'd waste 20 of the 24 hours standing in line and watching random people do random things in line. Yeah, no, I'd rather see some elephants x3 (I actually don't like the zoo, but hey, better than standing in line.)

10. What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
Three days, I felt like a zombie. It was gross. Never doing it again.

11. Would you rather wear glasses or braces for the rest of your life?
Glasses. Braces are ick. I never want to wear braces again, ever.


Not going to tag people again since I did it last time x3


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Quicksand #1
Meeep, I'm sorry my questions were hard ;;
Also thanks for doing it~