I Got Tagged (Curses...)

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them rule
MyungKitty's questions: 

1. Who's that person you KNOW will take over your bias list but you just don't wanna admit it? ( I honestly don't have one keke )

...U-Kwon. That cheeky little kitty...


2. What's something you've been longing to do?

Become a famous singer.


3. What's something you've been longing to have?

My own place


4. Indie, Pop, or Hip Hop? Or alternative or something?

I like a little of everything, to be honest ^^


5. Do you like pink?



6. Do you like scary movies? ( I hate horror to freaking death lol )

I love them. Especially when I watch them with a friend who gets easily scared XD


7. Have you ever been to South Korea?

I. Wish.


8. How many posters do you have in your room?

One hanging and like 9 in the tubes still waiting until I move out and have wall space for them. Heh.


9. Are there any instruments you play?

Played flute in Junior High. Wonder if I remember how. But I play the piano.


10. Favorite animal?

I love them all. ALL OF THEM.


11. What do you think of me?

You are super cute and lovable and my darling little sister <3



My Questions:

1. Uhhh do you like pie? Or prefer cake?

2. Favorite...color

3. If a zombie apocalypse were to start RIGHT NOW, how screwed are you?

4. How many questions am I supposed to have again?

5. Favorite book or series of books?

6. Do you like candles?

7. Greatest fear?

8. If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?

9. Do you like snow globes?

10. Do you love me- *shot*

11. Pop rocks. 


Dat Taggage:

I'm a rebel. I tag no one. Unless you're reading this and you really want to do it. I don't have any friends, though, that haven't already done this. Maybe Cheon will do it? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP







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