Tag Game

Rule 1: Post the Rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.

Tagged by :BaByGuR


1 - Your top 3 fandoms. Why?
Sone,Inspirit & EXOTIC, because i love them <3 X) haha because of their passion for their job and their effort they treat the fans raelly nice and the fandom can be behaved but some aren't really fans..
2 - What do you think are my bad points? Be honest, I don't bite...hard
i don't really know o u o Mian!
3 - Am I a dork?
i Don't think so? o u o
4 - What’s your favorite number?
29,88,18,1,17,22,14 yeah i have alot xD
5 - Give me a pic/GIF of MY ultimate bias
6 - Give me my good traits. Be honest, I don't bite
i don't know you that much but i can tell that you are really friendly and helpful :3
7 - Chicken or the Egg? Which came first?
The Egg XD
8 - Who do you want to be: Seohyun, Yoona, Yuri ? Why?
Yoona~! because i love her personality ;3
9 - Rate my personality (1-10):
i dunno.. 9?
10 - Favorite ulzzang?
Kim Seukhye
11 - Give me your insecurities
I'm Really Insecure when it come's to what i wear o u o and my appearance..i'm not really that confident with my appearance x)

Tagged ones~:

-BaByGuR (xD kekeke~)











The Questions:

1.Your Fandoms?

2.Favourite Ulzzangs

3.Favourite Korean Drama that you've watched?

4.Taeyeon,Jessica or Tiffany?

5.Kai,Myungsoo,Baekhyun or Sehun?

6.Your Top 5 Ultimate Biases?

7. Favourite MV right now?

8. Do you have any suggestions i could use in my applyfics x)?

9.Honest thoughts on me,I wanna know if there's anything wrong ..

10.My Bad Points, Be honest.. please?

11.Can we be friends?



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HAHHAA!! <33
HAHHAA!! <33
kkaebsongg- #3
I c what u did there! XD