✡ muse :: golden angel


Aesook ; Jung

Golden Angel
❝ we are muse!  we inspire you with our music~



Username  notyouroppa
What should i call you ⇢ Regina
Activeness ⇢ 8


full name 정애숙 / Jung Ae Sook
• Hobbit (Given by Yunho and Kris); Hobbits are a fictional diminutive humanoid race who inhabit the lands of Middle-earth in J. R. R. Tolkien's fiction. Their average height is 107 cm, and although Ae Sook's height is average for a human, she actually looks like hobbit next to Yunho and Kris.
• 천사/ Cheonsa / Angel (Given by Changmin); He started to call her Angel since the moment they met because of her name (Ae Sook means 'Love and Purity') and her selfless personality. Later on, many of the other trainees and even her trainers started to use that nickname with her until it ended up being her 'Persona'.
• Sooki (Given by Yuna); Diminutive of her name. Used by many.
• 李艾珍 / Li Ai Zhen; Her Chinese name. Only her mother & Kris call her Ai Zhen.
• Changsha Princess (Given by Lay): Because she was also born in Changsha, & since they're close friend, he nicknamed her that.
• Lucie Miller: Fake name she uses on tumblr, where she pretends to be an average unknown fangirl.

age ⇢ 22
⇢ February 28, 1991
⇢ Seoul, South Korea
⇢ Changsha, Hunan, China
⇢ Korean-Chinese
⇢ Korean (fluent), Mandarin Chinese (fluent), English (semi-fluent)
• Pink (colour)
• Fashion
• Mysticism
• Polaroid photographs
• Skinship
• Vanilla ice cream
• Nail art
• Cherry blossoms
• Greek mythology
• Banana milk
• Yellow & pink roses
• Walk barefoot on the grass
• Haunted houses
• Colourful balloons
• Street food
• Eyeliner
• Horror movies
• Anti-fans
• Shiny things
• High heels
• Rainy nights
• TV series
• Extreme sports

• Winter. Ironic, considering she's a figure skater.
• Unnecesary fights
• Rainy days
• Dieting
• Being wrong
• Healthy food
• Water, she can't swim
• Alcohol
• Red roses
• Bitter people
• IQ tests
• Chocolate


• Water. She's afraid of any water surface because she can't swim.
• She's has Athazagoraphobia. An irrational fear of forgetting, being forgotten or ignored, or replaced.
• Failure
• Making decisions
• Strawberries. She's allergic.


• Bites whoever is near to her when she gets anxious. A habit her mother detest because it's improper and very unladylike.
• Sleep talking in Chinese.
• Tweets almost everything she does.
• Listening to music 24/7.
• Falling asleep standing up.

• Write poems, fanfics & fairytales
• Baking, her speciality is Dacquoise and tres leches cake
• Playing the piano (Debussy - Arabesque No. 1, Chopin - Fantasie Impromptu)
• Figure skating
• Surfing the net / blogging
• Taking selcas.

⇢ 159 cm
⇢ 48 kg

• "Casual": 01 | 02 | 03
• Formal: 01 | 02 | 03
• Dorm: 01 | 02 | 03
• Sleep: 01 | 02 | 03
• Training: 01 | 02 | 03

• Her ideal type is actor Jo In Sung.
• Her waist is only 20 inches. It's not something she is proud of, she thinks it make her look unhealthy & doesn't want to give her fans the idea that being too thin is good.
• She's a die-hard Whovian, Sherlockian, Oncer, Oasis fan, Cassiopeia, S♥NE and EXO fan.
• She always has blackberry flavoured lip balm with her.
• She secretly has a tumblr blog. She would die of embarrassment if someone ever find out about it. That's her little fangirl temple, full of her favorite TV series, TVXQ!, SNSD, EXO & romantic fanfics she writes in her free time, most of them starring Yunho & Jaejoong, & few, the more recent, Kris & herself.
• She has a pet dog named Cotton, a.k.a Jiji's (Jaejoong's cat) sworn enemy.
Heavy sleeper.
• She's an antique collector. Ae Sook goes crazy for antiques, specially swords and musical instruments.
• She had double eyelid surgery.
• She never takes off her high heels.
• She wears a purity ring.
• She has a lot of flower pots of tulips in the dorm living room.
• Currently attending Seoul National University, majoring in Business Administration.
• She doesn't go anywhere without her Samsung Galaxy Note.
• SNS usernames; Twitter, Me2day & Instagram: goldenangel91 | Weibo: changshaprincess

personality ⇢ Ae Sook’s personality is hard to pin down. She is very mysterious and elusive. Ae Sook is moulded by her surroundings; she incorporates her experiences and surroundings into herself. She has extreme compassion and feels the pain of others. If something is wrong in the world that affects her, it affects her deeply, she takes it to heart and feel extreme feelings regarding the matter. When she’s happy, she is extremely happy and when she is sad, she’s extremely depressed.
Ae Sook needs a dominant partner of role model in her life or she will very easily fall into a pit of self-pity and self-undoing. When she’s independent and inspired by life's events, her creativity comes shining through but she is unable to be on her own for long before she starts dreaming in her imaginary world of happy people and happy endings. She needs other people to keep her grounded and on the right track. Ae Sook will go out of her way to help a friend. She is extremely sensitive and loyal. She will take a friend's problem and make it her own and suffer with them. This is the weak spot of Ae Sook but any friend of her should know that although she is attracted to people with severe problems who desperately need help, this actually does more harm them good. Even though Ae Sook will offer to make everything right, do not allow her to take on all your problems because she will lose her identity in your situation. She needs a strong positive friend to make her strong. Ae Sook likes adventure, new situation and social events. Ae Sook as a friend will always have something exciting in mind and it is a very fulfilling, long lasting friendship.
Ae Sook does not take well to a position of leadership or high business person, she is too sensitive and lacking in self-discipline and lacking self-confidence for a positions such as that. What she is good at is writing, acting, poetry, or being a musician. Ae Sook is excellent at anything that tugs at the heart strings and mystical/spiritual. She is extremely creative and can use her skills of creativity and her understanding of people to inspire others. Unfortunately, most of the time Ae Sook takes the easy way out in life and never attain the degree of fame that she possibly could, her mother has told her countless time that she has to stop self-doubting herself because she is capable of being a good role model and leader to others, people do look up to her.
Ae Sooks has an intuitive and psychic ability more than any human being. She trusts her gut feelings and if she does not, she quickly learns to because she realizes that her hunches are usually correct. Ae Sook downfall is her sensitivity and her inability to reject another person. She doesn’t like rejection and she tries to treat others the way they want to be treated so she will rarely say no to a person for fear of hurting their feelings. She will help another person with their problems and like to do so because making others feel good in turn makes her feels good. Ae Sook is not susceptible to bad luck and unfortunate events; she brings them on herself by overindulging, laziness and a knack for picking poorly suited partners and friends. She wants people in her life who stir her emotions because this helps her to practice emotional stability. The inner conflict of Ae Sook is extremes of temperament and conflicting emotions. She is trying to pinpoint herself on the real world while her spiritual world can cloud her vision, she will try to escape or avoid a situation instead of confronting it. Ae Sook eternal struggle is to learn to use her powers and her imagination in a positive, productive way and vying for emotional stability by not giving away her emotions to everyone else, she needs to help herself.
Ae Sook is a person of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown. Ae Sook lives in two worlds, the real world and the spiritual or mystical world where she interpret what she sees into what she wants. She does this to avoid all the realities of pain and suffering in the world. She has extremes of emotions and feels both good and bad intensively. Ae Sook has formidable intuitive ability and is somehow involved with occult or spiritualism. Ae Sook is very good at understanding people for she has the ability to delve into the psyche and see behind a person's motivations. Ae Sook is not the pushovers that she may seem, in fact she has strength of character and will stand up for what she believes in and she can do hard work for something she believes in. She can be very lazy but only in matters that she does not care about.


ulzzang ⇢ Park Hwan Hee + {x
back-up ulzzang 
⇢ Baek Sumin + {x}
stage name ⇢ Aesook
fanclub name ⇢ Aengelic
fanclub color #ff6699
talking twin 
⇢ Yoona + 01, 02
singing twin 
⇢ Yoona + 01, 02
rapping twin 
⇢ Gilme + 01, 02
dancing twin 
⇢ Yoona + 01, 02
⇢ Lead rapper, vocalist
backup position 
⇢ Visual, vocalist


family ⇢     
mom :: 李欣汝 / Li Xin Ru :: 44 :: Fashion designer :: 8 :: Independent, elegant, slightly selfish. 

dad :: 정의선 / Jung Eui Sun :: 43 :: Vice chairman of Hyundai Motor Company :: 4 :: Indifferent, arrogant, clever 
bff :: Jung Yunho :: 27 :: Idol :: ∞ :: Male :: Versatile, considerate, competitive 
friends ⇢ 
friend :: Kim Yuna :: 23 :: Figure skater :: 9 :: Female :: Caring, compassionate, loyal 
friend :: Zhang Yixing :: 22 :: Idol :: 9 :: Male :: Sociable, outgoing, mischievous 
friend :: Shim Changmin :: 25 :: Idol :: 8 :: Male :: Reserved, intelligent, considerate 
friend :: Kim Jaejoong :: 27 :: Idol :: 8.5 :: Male :: Straightforward, witty, slightly arrogant 
background ⇢ Born on February 28th 1991, in Changsha, Hunan, China. Her father is the vice chairman of Hyundai Motor Group. He was rarely at home but would spend all his free time with his wife and daughter. As the only child of the family, she was groomed to take over the company. However, running a business was never her cup of tea. Ever since she was toddler, she displayed a great enthusiasm for music, specifically piano, and soon also developed an interest for figure skating. Knowing this, Ae Sook's mother found a coach that could train her in figure skating while she teach her piano. Still, her father continued to impart his knowledge to Ae Sook through various games or quizzes. Not wanting to disappoint her father, she would do her best to learn and acquire the knowledge that her father wanted her to learn.
A Cold and frosty Tuesday morning of November 2002, an ten-years-old Ae Sook on her way to school was involved in a car accident. Officially, she was dead for three minutes until an "angel", as she called him, appeared and kept her alive until the ambulance came. Hours later Ae Sook woke up in a hospital ward surrounded by doctors, her parents and the angel, who introduced himself as Jung Yunho, they explained what happened, the car was hit by a truck, her chauffeur died in the accident, and she almost died too due to internal bleeding but, other than several contusion and a broken arm, she was stable now and had to spend some time in the hospital. Other than her parents, Yunho was the first person to show sincere and selfless concern in her in a long time. He would visit her every day at the hospital and stay with her all day long. Yunho and Ae Sook have been best friends since the incident, he even gave her his angel wing necklace the day she was discharged, as a promise that he'll always be there to protect her, and she has never took it off her neck since then.
In 2001, she started competing in figure skating championships, during her career she won two silver medals in 2005 & 2006 South Korean Figure Skating Championships, and a gold medal at the 2007 Asian Figure Skating Trophy. She made her international debut in the 2006-2007 season, when she competed on the 2006–2007 ISU Junior Grand Prix in two events, with a highest placement of 9th. She competed for the last time at the 2008 World Junior Figure Skating Championships, where she placed 14th & then retired from professional figure skating to focus on her education, but is still practising as a hobby.
The first time she entered the studio to see DBSK record their first single, Aesook was fascinated by the entertainment world. Since then Yunho often started to help her sneak in into the S.M. building to watch DBSK practice. She always thought her presence went unnoticed until one day at beginning of 2008 she was scouted by an S.M. Entertainment casting agent just outside the building while she was waiting for Yunho. Aesook kept it as secret as she debated about what to do with her life since she soon would graduate from high school. Without telling anyone, she went to audition, and was accepted in S.M., but it wasn't until she had the results of her college entrance exam that she told her family about her plans to become an entertainer. Her father's face when she told him is something Ae Sook will never forget. Although he has always wanted his daughter to do what makes her happy, become an idol was going to far. However, before he could say anything, Aesook threatened him with her education. If he let her do as she wanted, she would go to college, live her life as an idol as long as she can and then dedicate the rest of her life to become someone worthy of becoming the chairwoman of the company. Otherwise, she would throw Seoul National University & Hyundai Motor Group out of the window without an ounce of regret, and let some of her cousins take care of that. In the end he agreed to his daughter's conditions and acknowledged that, though that wasn't what he wanted for her, he was rather proud of her for standing up to him.
Only a few months were enough for her to be overwhelmed by the trainee life. It was fortunate that they discovered she's a natural rapper, with a lot of training she has become a good rapper and dancer and, although she still at singing, she has improved, at least she can hold a tune now. After her successful progress, she had additional training for modelling & acting, summing up to total of 5 years. During her trainee life she had the chance to feature in TVXQ's Mirotic & Before U Go MVs & as an extra in 2PM & SNSD's Caribbean Bay CF.


love interest ⇢ Wu Yi Fan / Kris
⇢Kris is often misunderstood. He is all about intensity and contradictions. He presents a cool, detached and unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive. He likes to be aware of a situation and always know what's going on, figuring this out with his probing mind; on the other hand, he is interested in the occult, the paranormal, conspiracy theories and other types of similar unknown mysteries. He’s very capable of hiding his true feelings and motivations; he often has ulterior motives or a hidden agenda. Kris is all about control, he needs to be in control at all times.
To be out of control is very threatening, even dangerous to his psyche, when he control, he feels safe. Kris is very emotional, his emotions are intensified, both good emotions and bad. Negative emotions of jealousy and resentment are hallmarks of his turbulent personality. On the other side, Kris is well known for his forceful and powerful drive to succeed and his amazing dedication. He is constantly trying to understand his emotions through finding a deeper purpose in life.Kris is intuitive, but not as in a psychic sense, more as intuitive into the human mind, he has a great understanding of the mystery and the power of the human mind.
He has a fear of failure which he keeps hidden extremely well, should his confrontation not be successful, or his career fail, he will simply use his adaptive skill to quickly move on and leave the bad experience behind. Do not ever expect him to fess up or share his tale with anyone however because this shows signs of weakness and Kris always wins, he is always the self-proclaimed best. One of the reasons he seems like he always accomplish his goals is because he set tangible short-term goals that he knows he can accomplish, he know what he’s capable of and this is what he go for.
Kris is very wary about trusting anyone, a person needs to gain his trust and this gets built up over time and once all the 'trust tests' have been passed, Kris loves deeply and intensely. Underneath the cool exterior, energies and emotions are constantly flowing but Kris deals with this be channelling it into useful activities, hobbies, relationships or a career. This is never apparent to the outside observer but knowing this fact explains why Kris is so passionate about whatever it is that he is undertaking. He has powerful instincts and he trusts his own gut feeling which is another reason why Kris seldom fails.

group ⇢ EXO
relationship ⇢ best friend
how you met ⇢ They were put together for a collaboration in one of their rap practice. They wasted the whole class in talking instead of practicing, when the moment of perform their collab came they didn't have anything prepared, they tried to freestyle but since none of them was actually good at rapping, it ended up being horrendous.
how you act around with him ⇢ Neither of them believed in love at first sight until they met. What happened to them could be even considered as 'magical'. From the first moment there was a strong mutual attraction between them. Ae Sook was ready to rely on Kris to compensate her indecision, and will agree with Kris' aspiration to dominate.
Kris is more focused on an intimate & exclusive bond than Aesook. She loves deeply & with her heart, but Kris often wonders just how exclusive her feelings are towards him. He wants to get under her skin, & is not always thrilled to share her with the rest of the world, so when she is expressing her compassion for pretty much everyone that comes into her world, he feels a tad threatened. He always try to understand her love of mankind in general. He worries that she strays too easily—& it's not about Aesook having an affair. It's more a concern that she is too impressionable. Why worry about the rest of the world when she has him?. Their magical bond is immune to everything except Kris's jealousy. But his jealousy & possessiveness doesn't bother Ae Sook, it actually makes her feel loved. These two share a special communion, much of it on a sensual, unspoken level. Both have intense feelings, are loyal, intuitive, interested in the mystical and the unusual. However they will never openly admit their feelings, they're just too stubborn and afraid to ruin their friendship, although it is pretty clear to everyone that they're in love with each other.
back-up love interest 
⇢ Kim Jongin / Kai

love rival ⇢ Lu Han
⇢ Luhan has been know to be rather childish, he gets jealous ridiculously easily and his mood swings are legendary and he is known to have tempter that rages out of control if unchecked. He is a witty, jokester who loves a prank more than most, but he is often described as vain, arrogant, narcissistic and mean. Luhan gets annoyed by people easily and he is not one for rules and really hates being told on what to do. Unbeknownst to most, behind Luhan’s cold exterior, he is actually someone who will always stand up for those close to him and he is prepared to drop his image in order to be by their side, in reality he’s just shy and he doesn't know how to express himself.
⇢ Love-hate
how you met 
⇢ Aesook often stays late at night practising. In one of those nights she was playing the piano and starts singing one her favorite songs but in the middle of the song she was interrupted by a mocking laughter. Wondering where it came from she looked around to find a boy at the door staring at her and smirking arrogantly. He only said "Thank God you stopped, my ears are bleeding." and left like he was never there, leaving a dumbfounded and rather offended Aesook alone again.
how are act around him 
⇢ They hate each other with the white-hot passion of a thousand burning suns. Ae Sook can't stand his arrogant and narcissistic personality, and he thinks she's just another bratty rich girl.
back-up love rival 
⇢ Kim Jonghyun
rival ⇢ Amber Liu
⇢ Amber is a bit hot-tempered but she’s a down to earth and caring girl. She is competitive and bad-mouthed, but she means well. Often mistaken for a guy, she tends to act like one too. Amber can easily get along well with anyone, due to her friendly approach to everything. However, she always forgets her manners.
⇢ f(x)
how you met 
⇢ They were in the same rapping class, alongside Kris. In one of the classes they were put together in pairs to work in a collaboration. Amber wanted to work with Kris but it was their trainer who chose the pairs and Kris ended up with Aesook. She watched them from the other side of the room, she noticed it, just like everyone else, the spark in their eyes, how well they get along despite never have talked before. She got her revenge a year later when Aesook was being considered to debut as a member of f(x), but they chose Amber in the end.
how you act around her 
⇢ It's more of a unilateral rivalry. Aesook tries to avoid confrontations at any cost, while Amber takes every chance she has to get close to Kris. She uses the fact that she debuted first to show off her friendship with Kris on her SNS, at the SMTown concerts or in variety shows, while Aesook & Kris relationship have to remain a secret.    
back-up rival 
⇢ Choi Sooyoung


comments ⇢ English is not my first language, I apologize if there is any mistake.
password ⇢ {x}
scene request 

SBS announces that finally there will be a second season of Kiss & Cry and Aesook will take part of it as host alongside Kim Yuna.
Aesook locks up Yunho & BoA in the janitor's closet. They had a fight & Aesook tries to help them make up.
Aesook bakes a Black Forest cake to celebrate Muse's debut.
An argument between Aesook and another girl group member.
Kris and Aesook rumored to be dating.
The media exposes her as the granddaughter of Jung Mong-koo, & heiress of Hyundai Motor Group.

Aesook surfing the net when she finds some edits of Kris & herself, or as the fans call them, Krisook. She saves them in her phone & later on shows them to Kris. 
Aesook & Luhan perform a cover of Troublemaker's Now at one of the Gayo Daejun 2013. 




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